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I woke up by the sound of ringing, looking beside Emira was sleeping back facing me. I groaned while sitting up putting the call on silent "Nadeem - calling" i walked towards ths balcony before entering. Receiving the call i stayed silent. "won't you say hello to your beloved father."
"why did you call" i asked knowing that he must have called because he needs something. "uff you're still the same grumpy guy i thought--" "cut the shit off and come to the point" "why are you getting angry" my jaw clenched listening to him. "i want money transfer $2500 right now I need--" "i don't have money to waste on you, earn it yourself. Then you will know how it feels when someone waste their sweat and tears im gambling." "is this your final decision " "of course yes. Now don't ever call me again" saying this i hung up the call before signing, i stood by the railing It was midnight and now my sleeo went away my mind covered the thoughts of him.

When shaheer's father (faris) died, 2 year later when the savings done by Faris were at there end and when zenab felt the need of a fatheer for her children she decided to get married again. Unfortunately she got married to Nadeem. Nadeem in the initial years, started working in Faris's company, he became greedy and sold lots of assets and investd them in gambling. This continued until Shaheer wass well matured to understand his foster father's tack ticks. He tried to take over the company as the CEO but couldn't since it was already under Nadeem's name. Nadeem used to waste all the profit in his gambling and wouldn't give Zenab any penny for the expenses. One day Shaheer overheard the argument when Zenab told him to sign on the papers of retirement in order to make Shaheer the CEO. This thing triggered him. "why? am i not working right that you want that useless piece of shit to be the owner of this company " "choose yoyr words wisely when talking about my children" Zenab said. "o please don't start now, and to make it clear I am never leaving the chair. Do whatever you can." "ok then first of all i am gonna divorce you and then -" she couldn't complete. "the fuck you said" he said before grabbing Zenab's neck in a choke hold. Shaheer who was silently standing with his back supported by the wall, peaked inside and the scene triggered him. He rushed inside in anger. "you will give divorce to ME?" "LEAVE HER BEFORE I KILL YOU" shaheer said before grabbing Nadeem by his nape pulling him away from Zenab who was now coughing. "get out of here i wanna talk to my wife personally" "you heard her right, she will divorce you. Now you get out of here" shaheer said shaking, trying not to make wrong decisions because of his anger. "you both are forgetting that the company is still under my name so behave-" "then go and live in that company" shaheer said stepping towards Nadeem to make him leave. "Shaheer no, we have to take over the company first don't make it worse. This way he will not- " she said in slow voice aftee turning shaheer towards her."mom you trust me right" she nod. "then let me handle it my way".

After thar Shaheer appointed a lawyer and raised a case upon Nadeem that he is involved in illegal activities which was actually truth and shahher got to know about it. Shaheer won the case and took over the company at the age of 21 and now with his day and night efforts he again created a well deserved reputation of his company. The divorce was stuck in the middle since Nadeem flew from the country in order to save himself from going to the jail.
After 3 years when everything was settled, he came back when only Aliza and Zenab were home. He broke inside the house and threatened Zenab to give him money otherwise he will kill Aliza. Zenab told him to wait for Shaheer because the amount he was asking was not available at home. But Nadeem knew if Shaheer comes back he can never have the money. So he went inside Shaheer's room to search for any property documents or anything through which he can get money. Zenab told Aliza to call Shaheer and behind Nadeem. "just go ill tell him to transfer the money, get out of here. "he turned towards her "tell me where he keeps his documents " "i don't know" "you are of no use" saying that he rushed outside. In the lounge Aliza was sitting there, talking on the phone to someone but cut the call after realizing that Nadeem saw her. He marched towards her and said "whom were you talking to" Aliza shook her head in fear standing up before stepping back. Zenab tried to stop him but he pushed her aside resulting her to fall on the ground "you called shaheer didn't you? " he said grabbing Aliza by her hair clutched in his fist. The door clicked open, Shaheer stepoed inside. He roamed his eyes in the room, thankfully he was on 5 min drive away from the house. his mother on the ground, his sister in the hand of there so called father. He marched towards him but stopped in the middle when Nadeem placed a dagger on Aliza's neck. Zenabs breath hitched, madeen turned Aliza making her face Shaheer. "one step and I'll cut her head off her body" Aliza's eyes wide, tears started forming frowning she clutched nadeems hand in hers. "Leave her I brought the money take that and leave" shaheer said in a straight voice. "how much" "enough for you to not beg for years." "give" he said extending his other hand. Before he could react, Aliza held his arm up closer to her mouth before biting hard on his hand. Shaheer ran towards them but Nadeem snatched his arm away slapping right across Aliza's face. Akiza jerk towards the side by the impact while zenab tried to go near her but before that shaheer took the step and punch him directly on his face. He has now lost it, how dare he touch her. Zenab went towards Aliza held her by shoulders. Her cheek was now imprinted with red tint. While shaheef was continuously beating him, nadeem has lost the respect of being an elder. "HOW DARE YOU EVEN TOUCH HER, ILL KILL YOU" he said shouting in anger. Zenab saw his own hand was now bleeding because of continuous punches. "stop" she said holding his shoulder trying to calm him. But the next moment he pulled out a gun from his waist. Zenab who was standing near shaheer gasped. This was the first time they saw a gun in his hand, they didn't know he owned it. "Shaheer" zenab said in disbelief while he panted with heavy breaths pointing the gun towards Nadeem who was barely able to stand. "last time, this is the last time I am warning you, DO NOT ever come near my family, if you wanna beg then go do it on the streets now get lost" Shaheer said each and every word with anger in a stern tone. Nadeem seeing the gun pointed at him quietly went outside the house. The 3 of them trail there eyes on him until he was out of the house. Shaheer turned immediately moving towards Aliza who was standing with tears filled in her eyes "is it hurting" aliza nod curling her lips in a pout. Shaheer immediately hugged her over her shoulders caressing her head. "i will make sure that he will never come back but if something like this happens again then do not come out lock yourself in a safe place and call me asap just like you did today" he pulled back caressing her cheeks. "now Mr. Shaheer will you mind answering me why do you have a gun" zenab's voice interrupted them, he slightly bit his tongue while Aliza chuckled, she knew about this. "mom, my beautiful mother, i ve a reallyyyy important work ill get it done then answer you about everything--" before he could complete zenab held his ear twisting it, going towards the couch before making shaheer sit on it. "talk about work one more time and I'll beat you, bring the 1st aid box"
Aliza went to bring while Shaheer kept nodding at zenab's lecture. She understood that he is keeping it for his safety but considering his anger, she was telling him to be careful and not to pull it out in every matter. She was worried for him but super proud that he in such an early age, became a successful businessman and handling every problem according to the situations taking wise actions.

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