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It was 3 in the morning when Emira heard someone groaning and hissing. She opened her eyes, the room was dim she looked towards Shaheer who was turning his head to his sides, shaking and stirring. She immediately sit up before patting his chest "Shaheer" she called him but he didn't respond she touched his forehead finding it burning "omg Shaheer" she again shake his body a little when he didn't move. He moved a little at her patts again groaning. "what happened to you" she asked being worried "my body is aching " he said in a whisper. She immediately stood on her heels rushing to the bathroom bringing water and a piece of cloth. She sat beside him before dipped the cloth in the water before placing it on his forehead after squeezing the access water. She saw that he was still in his office clothes, she unbuttoned his shirt before untucking it out of his pants. After few moments she went downstairs to bring something to eat so that he can take medicines afterwards.

She entered inside the room with tray in her hand which has a soup and a piece of bread. He was in a slumber when she called him gently before placing the tray on nightstand "shaheer" he didn't budge, she again called him making him hm a little still in his sleep. The cloth was still on his forehead. She went near him before dipping the cloth in water "shaheer get up you have to eat" she said taking a seat beside his laying figure, patting his cheek slightly. He opened his eyes slightly before taking his hand on his forehead. He groaned as if he is hurt somewhere "what happened" he turned a little before sitting up slowly. She fixed the pillow behind him "my head" he said "eat then take medicine it will be helpful" she forwarded the piece to bread in front of his mouth making him open his mouth before eating it. She then made him drink the hot soup following up by the morsel of bread again. He was silently eating with his eyes close and head kn the headboard. She then placed her hand on his forehead checking if the fever is under control. It was hot but not burning as before, thankfully. He continued eating before having his medicines. She walks out going to the kitchen in order to put the dishes. While he laid down back. She entered the room again before going towards the closet to bring comfortable cloths for him "change your clothes" she said before going inside the closet since he didn't have the energy to go get changed. He called her once he was done. She walked towards the bed before laying down close beside him. He felt the bed moving so he opened his eyes slightly watching emira climbing the bed before laying beside him. He opened his hand signing her to come into his embrace which she did. She laid her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around her shoulder before pulling Her close.



In the morning when I woke up, Shaheer was still sleeping it was late 10am. Checking the fever which was now fine i moved towards the washroom starting with my morning routine. I went downstairs afterwards, greeting mom who already had breakfast with Ahmed and Aliza. I told her about his fever, so she went upstairs to check up on him while i started making breakfast for both of us.

Entering the room I saw Shaheer was still laying in the bed while mom sitting beside him caressing his forehead. "good that you skipped your office today" mom said, while I kept the tray on the bed before sitting. "it doesn't help, now I've gotta work double tomorrow " he said before sitting up. Mom took the plate before making a morsel for him while i had my breakfast. "work like a human not robot" I said side eyeing him "yes, my daughter understands me more than you" mom said before patting the back of my hand. Shaheer ate his food while I ate mine. His mother told me to look after him because he is not the one who sits calmly even if he is on death's bed. I came back in the room, sitting next to him on the bed started checking his temperature. "what do you do all day? " he asked. Placing the thermometer in his mouth i replied "after you go, I mostly sit with mom and Aliza talking to them. When Aliza go to her university mom and I watch some serials, BTW we are watching that Turkish series we both watched together. I told her the story and now she is obsessed with it even more than me" i said taking out the thermometer out of his mouth, "your fever dropped thankfully" "then after that in the evening? " he asked taking the thermometer from me placing it on the side, holding onto my hand, caressing it with his thumb. "thenn mom and I both take a nap after our super break" i felt him caressing my arm "Then she usually talks to your extended family then we both make dinn-- " "how did this happen?" he asked looking down at my arm just above my elbow. It was a scar, a memory of my teenage. "this" memories flashed in front of my eyes, horrible days of my life. I closed my eyes for a second before opening. how should I tell him. He will understand i know and trust him. "Emira" taking a sigh "my father's friend's son tried to- forc-e himself on me" i said those words looking down fidgeting my fingers "when" i can tell there was anger in his voice since i didn't see his face. "about 6 years ago" i said still looking down not knowing how will he react. "he did this?" i shook my head "fath-er" i said in a whisper. "what" him who was sitting with the help of headboard, now lifted his body up before lookimg down at me trying to look in my eyes "my biological father" i completed, this time he was even more shocked "Rohaan uncle is not your real father?!" he asked i looked up this time "i am sorry." i said in a low voice. I didn't want him to take me wrong, i feared his anger what if he gets angry on me that I hid such a thing from him. "I was adopted by father Rohaan" i said again looking down because i can feel the tears forming in my eyes. "Emira" he brought his hand up to my cheeks raising my head making me look at him. My lips pouted trying hard not to cry. "i trust you and i need you to trust me too and tell me only if you feel comfortable. Just know that i want you to open up with me and share your heart with me" he said caressing my cheeks lookimg straight in my eyes. "my real name was Emira Faled before, my father used to abuse both my mother and me. He would beat her for no reason and when - I tried to stop him he started beating me too." I said trying really hard to stop myself from crying. But the tears betrayed me. Running down my cheeks they were now settling beneath my chin. I sniffed telling him the worst part of my life which I don't even want to remember."my father was not. a father, he seemed like an animal sometimes." his hand moving towards my eyes wiping the tears away only to be wet again by the new ones. "He ones said he has a business offer, his office friend saw me when they were on a visit at our place, sincs then he started telling my father about giving him money in return of me."

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