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Alaric embarked on the familiar trail once again, equipped with an abundance of provisions, well-fitting clothes, and a sheath custom-made for the supposedly "flimsy" swords crafted by the skilled blacksmith.

Truth be told, those swords surpassed his expectations, far better than the blade's in the local shops. Alaric had attempted to sharpen his dueling skills by sparring with the villagers, but their lack of experience was evident. Occupied primarily with farming or their meager trades, they had little exposure to combat. Only a few ventured into the realm of dueling, and even they were beginners.

The absence of attacks in the past had bred complacency, but with the Riders now wreaking havoc and burning down entire villages without reason, the motivation to learn how to defend oneself had surfaced. The burden of higher taxes had sparked secret riots among the people.

They had extended an invitation to Alaric to join their cause, a rash move considering their brief acquaintance, yet Alaric had no choice but to decline. Until he understood the true nature of the unfolding events, he couldn't involve himself in overthrowing the crown. He was driven by a desire for justice. However, if the accusations were true if his father—a man with whom he shared a genuinely close bond—was indeed a traitor, it would shatter his very soul. Uncertain as to the truth, he pushed those thoughts aside for another time.

Alaric's prowess with a sword far surpassed that of the locals, at least for now. He knew he would face tests at the academy, and he fervently hoped his skills were up to par. Unfortunately, the locals proved inadequate in gauging his true level of expertise. Resuming his intense training regimen, he gradually regained some of his former physicality, but it would be months before he reached his previous peak.

Alaric trudged onward, his head bowed in exhaustion. The weight of his burdens had strained him for a while, but he had finally arrived at the upper noble district. His attire revealed his commoner status, as there were no reputable shops in the lower district. However, as long as he could pay the fee, the worst that could happen would be an attempt to rough him up before being sent on his way. Finally, he laid eyes on the grand gate guarding the opulent buildings— his destination. He had returned to the place where he had been abducted, where the world had torn before his very eyes.

A sharp voice pierced the air, jolting Alaric from his thoughts. "Hey, you there! Are you blind?"

He realized with a start that he stood merely a step away from entering the gate without permission. Two guards adorned in the regalia of the royal forces loomed before him, and a chilling realization washed over him—these were the same guards he had encountered before. The guard on the right forcefully pushed Alaric backward, causing him to stumble, though he managed to regain his footing. While apologizing profusely outwardly, an intense anger rose within him.

How could this guard treat him with such disgust?

Were all of his people subjected to such treatment?

He thought of an idea, maybe drawing his sword and placing it at the arrogant guard's throat, but occupied as he was with all the bags, engaging in such a fight would only worsen his situation. Internally, he sighed, letting go of his anger. After enduring a barrage of insults from the guard, to which Alaric dutifully apologized each time, he finally had the opportunity to present the three gold coins required for entry— an exorbitant fee that was half of the swordsman's savings. The guards glanced at him incredulously, as if contemplating extorting more money from him. Eventually, they thought better of it, which made Alaric sigh in relief.

Alaric couldn't help but feel the weight of the exorbitant taxes and costs as he made his way through the Noble District. Ignoring the stares that followed him, he purposefully strode towards the nearest inn, determined to find respite from the day's trials. However, a lingering sense of unease washed over him as he glanced behind his shoulder, catching sight of two individuals discreetly observing his every move.

Veil: Tale of a 16 Moons [FANTASY EPIC] [MAGICAL COMING OF AGE + ROMANCE]Where stories live. Discover now