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She stood up abruptly, her heart pounding in her chest as adrenaline surged through her veins.

The small, dimly lit room seemed to close in around her as panic gripped the young woman's senses. Katherine's gaze darted towards the door with a mind racing with thoughts of escape, but her magically inept body betrayed her intentions. Before she could take a single step, the princess' old friend Veritas moved with an almost preternatural swiftness towards her. Katherine couldn't move a muscle.

In the narrow hallway, the tension thickened. The seer reached back snaking around the hilt of a gleaming dagger that seemed almost an extension of his arm. It was a weapon Katherine had once seen as a symbol of their unity. But now, that trust shattered like glass. Her hands clenched, knuckles turning white as the truth settled in.

He had lied to her. The weight of that realization bore down on her, a crushing force that threatened to consume her. Katherine's sense of betrayal mingled with the fear that coiled in her stomach like a serpent.

But the pendulum of fate was about to swing once more. Pandemonium erupted in a cacophony of chaos. Time seemed to slow as the trajectory of the knife became a deadly arc aimed at Katherine's heart.

In that harrowing instant, she caught a glimpse of Veritas' eyes, the once confident smile faded to a mask of grim determination. In a stunning reversal, Veritas pivoted, his grip on the dagger tightening with a feral intensity. The blade flashed in the dim light as it found its mark, ready to pierce the bone tattoo on their assailant's neck. However, his plans didn't come to fruition.

A gasp escaped the woman's lips as the world seemed to shatter and reshape itself in the wake of the violent collision. The air trembled with the force of an impending explosion, and the ground quivered beneath their feet.

The bunker erupted in a deafening crescendo, a maelstrom of sound and fury that tore through the confines of the space. Bodies were thrown to the ground as the shockwave rippled through the air, shattering the perfect moment that had teetered on the precipice of completion. Yet, their adversary was caught off guard, the chaos revealing the chink in their armor. Veritas emerged from the turmoil unscathed, his lithe form coiling like a spring as he lunged forward with renewed purpose. The world seemed to move in fragments, disjointed and surreal, as Katherine fought to regain her footing. Time was a merciless foe, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand, and she knew she was running out of it.

Desperation lent her strength, her body propelling her upwards, but she couldn't get far away in time. Veritas was a phantom, a specter of determination and ruthless efficiency. The blade found its mark, biting into the leader's flesh with a searing agony that stole her breath away. Blood blossomed in crimson beads, staining her clothes, as Veritas pulled back, his eyes fixed on her in a chilling gaze.

His eyes were redder than a cherry apple. It reminded her of the horrible act he just committed. Amid the chaos, her gaze flickered to their fallen adversary, the leader who had orchestrated this deadly ballet. Clutching her wound, eyes wide with shock, the leader's defiance wavered in the face of mortality.

The leader's voice trembled, the words a haunting echo that reverberated in the chamber, "No one can desert us and survive."

And then, in a cruel twist of fate, she crumpled to the floor, life extinguished in a final, breathless exhalation. Katherine's gaze lingered on the still form, a mixture of horror and introspection churning within her. The boundaries between life and death seemed fragile, the tapestry of existence torn asunder in a matter of moments. Veritas' face remained an enigma, his emotions veiled behind a stoic facade. The blade that had wounded the prideful woman was extracted with a clinical detachment. Katherine's mind whirled with confusion, a tempest of emotions that threatened to consume her.

Veil: Tale of a 16 Moons [FANTASY EPIC] [MAGICAL COMING OF AGE + ROMANCE]Where stories live. Discover now