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It had been a while.

Maybe a bit longer than he had anticipated.

Alaric felt the wind whipping his hair for the umpteenth time, sensations whipping through him that always made him uneasy. The prince had never loved the sea, but there was no denying its beauty. As he watched the crew expertly untie the sail knots and set it adrift, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was as if the ship's departure symbolized a journey he was not entirely prepared for.

He thought about Katherine who was sleeping below. It was just approaching night, but she was tired, and the free quarters they were both given was fair game. Her presence reminded him of the two things closest to his heart—his childhood and the pivotal journey that had transformed him mentally and physically. Alaric realized his character was shaped not by a quest for meaningless revenge but by a genuine desire to save lives. It was a commitment that went beyond personal gain, a commitment that defined the newfound wizard. The wind tousled his hair again as if emphasizing the gravity of his mission. All beginnings had to start somewhere, and Alaric had willingly sacrificed everything for the enigmatic occult gift he now possessed. It was more precious than anything he had ever seen.

"As quick as possible," the young man muttered to himself, steeling his resolve.

They needed to reach their destination swiftly. Two months at sea seemed like an eternity, but Alaric knew it would be worth it in the end. Suddenly, a shove from behind jolted him. Alaric spun around, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. However, he was met with a friendly smile from one of the crew members—the same man who was watching him closely in the ship's hold.

"My name is Sir Allan the Shield. And you are?"

The man's forwardness caught Alaric off guard, and he couldn't help but wonder if this self-proclaimed knight was genuine.

The prince tightened his grip on the sheaths carrying the wood swords and shifted his weight uneasily. He couldn't afford to trust someone so readily, not on a mercenary journey like this.

"I'm Alec. Nice to meet you. Are you truly a knight?"

Alaric had never heard of this "Sir Allan the Shield" before, and skepticism crept into his voice. He had learned the hard way not to trust appearances.

"Yes. The Grand Magus enlisted a select few knights he could trust, and I was fortunate enough to be among them," Allan replied, with that same snarky smile.

Alaric couldn't help but scoff at the mention of the "Grand Magus."

"Grand Magus? When was the last time children's tales were used for titles?"

Allan chuckled awkwardly, his furrowed brow revealing his discomfort. Alaric enjoyed provoking these individuals.

"We'll have ample time to get acquainted," Allan said with a forced smile, trying to regain his composure.

"We're all stuck on this ship together." The prince deadpanned. It seemed fun to act like Katherine.

But Alaric wondered about what he had just learned. The fact that he was learning this now wasn't clicking with him, and his doubts exemplified. He thought about asking 'The Shield', but they had started on the wrong foot. It would have to wait. For now, he forced himself back to reality.

Alaric nodded noncommittally, avoiding eye contact with the man. He had successfully stirred Allan's pride, but he had no intention of letting his guard down. A strong yell from above interrupted their conversation, and the wizard looked up to see a crew member leaning against the mast, beckoning him. He didn't even glance at Allan as he turned away. And with a sigh, Alaric realized that this voyage was not going to be a smooth one. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he scanned the deck for the piece of cloth the crew member needed. After locating it, Alaric hurriedly delivered it and watched as the flag unfurled.

Veil: Tale of a 16 Moons [FANTASY EPIC] [MAGICAL COMING OF AGE + ROMANCE]Where stories live. Discover now