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The prince was rarely surprised.

Maybe it was the pain of loss kicking him into overdrive, but Alaric wasn't aware of an ambush. When the people in robes came out from the dark menacingly, Alaric could only limply take out his sword as he had done thousands of times. He wasn't confident in their escape.

Katherine's words about magic echoed in his mind. He knew he had to stay focused and strong, especially because Katherine was hurt and counting on him. But, it wasn't going to be easy.

The robed figures, their faces obscured by hooded cloaks, approached slowly, their footsteps echoing ominously in the tomb. Alaric's heart pounded in his chest as he braced for the confrontation. The air seemed to grow colder, and the arcane energy in the tomb felt more oppressive than ever. He hoped that whatever Katherine had explained about the graveyard would somehow help them in this dire situation.

As the robed figures drew closer, Alaric noticed an eerie stillness in the air, as their torchlight flickered, casting unsettling shadows on the gravestone's stone. The tension in the tomb was palpable, and Alaric's grip on his weapon tightened even further. Katherine, despite her weakened state, didn't waver. She locked eyes with Alaric, silently conveying a message of unity and determination. It was a reminder that they were a team, facing this mysterious threat together.

The figures halted a few paces away, their silence adding to the unnerving atmosphere. Alaric tried to discern any clues from their body language, but their hooded cloaks concealed their intentions. They stood like ominous sentinels, their presence a testament to the enigma of this place.

Katherine spoke with a calm yet authoritative tone, "We mean no harm. We seek answers about this place and its connection to important historical figures." The figures remained silent, their faces hidden in the shadows. Alaric couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to these robed individuals than met the eye. He glanced at Katherine, silently hoping she had some idea to get them out of there. He felt a lot more numb than before.

The minutes dragged on, the silence broken only by the echoes of dripping water in the tomb. Alaric and Katherine remained vigilant, ready for whatever might come next, determined to uncover the secrets hidden within this ancient, arcane-infused place.

As the tension in the tomb continued to build, it became clear that words alone wouldn't resolve this confrontation. Without warning, one of the robed figures lunged at Alaric with surprising agility, wielding a gleaming dagger. The prince barely had time to react, but his training kicked in, and he was luckily able to deflect the attack with his weapon. The skirmish escalated quickly, with Alaric engaging in a fierce struggle against the hooded assailants. He fought with all his might, his heart pounding as he exchanged blows with these enigmatic foes. Each swing and parry were a test of his skills and determination.

Meanwhile, Katherine, weakened from her earlier injuries, did her best to provide support. She cast protective spells with the stones and fought with her polearm, trying to keep the attackers at bay. But the odds were against them, and despite their best efforts, the robed figures proved to be formidable adversaries. In the midst of the chaos, one of the attackers managed to land a strike on Katherine. Her eyes widened in pain and surprise as a dark fluid coursed into and out her arm and seeped onto the grass, seemingly sapping her strength. She stumbled and fell to the cold stone floor, her breaths coming in shallow gasps.

Alaric, fueled by a mix of desperation, redoubled his efforts. He fought with unwavering determination, his strikes becoming more precise and deadly. Gradually, he managed to overpower their adversaries, delivering powerful blows that incapacitated them one by one. However, his sword got lodged in one of the figures, and he couldn't get it in time.

Veil: Tale of a 16 Moons [FANTASY EPIC] [MAGICAL COMING OF AGE + ROMANCE]Where stories live. Discover now