The Start of a Journey

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Katherine sat in her room, surrounded by a disarray of belongings.

The princess carefully packed her essentials into a few bags she planned to carry with her. The funeral for the old seer had come and gone. Each thought of leaving tugged at her heart, regret filling her with a deep sense of guilt. She wished she hadn't even suggested the idea of leaving. It was all her fault. But her father had made up his mind, and Katherine wouldn't disobey him this time, especially considering the political parties at play. She knew her father well, and he would likely call her back eventually. However, the recent drastic changes made her uncertain about what the future held.

Finally, she strapped her spear onto her back and gathered her bags. Just as she finished, someone entered the room.

"Are you done?" The person asked gently.

Katherine sighed and nodded. "Oh, hello, Mary."

"I will miss you, my dear. I knew your mother well, and your father... he may not show it, but he cares deeply for you. He cares even more than you realize. Whatever he is doing, he believes it's for your own good. And we all agree," Mary said, her voice filled with empathy. Katherine grunted in acknowledgment, her emotions conflicted. "You have also distanced yourself from everyone else in the Kingdom. You rarely visit or interact with anyone. When you're out there, make some friends. They can be life-savers," Mary advised, concern etched on her face.

Katherine looked at her, a pleading expression in her eyes. She had often kept to herself, as she never trusted anyone else. Being the princess, people considered her as an asset, something that could lead them to power. Katherine Longed for genuine connections, for someone her age who truly cared. Yet, those hopes had been shattered.

"I don't think it's possible..." Katherine replied despondently.

"Just give it a try. It's not as difficult when people don't want something from you," Mary encouraged.

Katherine hesitated, reconsidering her stance.

"I will try, Mary. Thank you for suggesting it."

"You're welcome, my dear. Now, let me lead you one last time to your father, even though we both know you know the way," Mary chuckled.

"Last time? I think not," she added playfully.

Katherine followed Mary as they engaged in light conversation, discussing monthly gossip and sharing their plans after Katherine's departure. After a brief walk, they finally arrived at the King's room. Over the past few months, Katherine had confined herself mostly to her room, occasionally venturing out to the garden or her father's room. It may have seemed foolish, but she preferred to be lost in her own thoughts. The events that had unfolded in her life—the prophecy of being a star child, her uncertain magical abilities, and her father's decision to cast her out—had left her overwhelmed with confusion. The preparations for her departure only added to her burdensome thoughts.

"Hello, Daughter. It's time for your trip. I hope you slept well."

"I'm already packed, father."

"That's a pleasant surprise," her father replied.

Katherine just nodded, she would miss his voice and dry humor. Her father looked at her for a moment in his study and stood up, finally facing her. He looked her straight in the eyes, and confidently said, "Politically, we will be ready in the next...six months...for your return. We will all be finally safe, and it will be a great time to rejoice."

The man smiled brightly.

"Despite what Mary has probably told you already, we need you to go to the junction between Bearbes and Bridgemond. More better, straight into Bridgemond. From there you can go to Pinewick, where you will get our ancestral magic back to save us all. It's the fastest and safest path."

Veil: Tale of a 16 Moons [FANTASY EPIC] [MAGICAL COMING OF AGE + ROMANCE]Where stories live. Discover now