8 In my bed

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Song to listen to: Baekhyun - Bambi



I was being a creep. Vivienne was asleep when I finally finished showering and came back to the bedroom with my towel on. She looked small in my bed, wrapped in my sheets. Her face was relaxed and I couldn't see her blue eyes anymore. There was always some anxiety, tightness in her facial features, swimming deep inside her eyes. Now she looked content hugging my pillow and had curled her legs close to her body like protecting herself from all the evil of the world, except it didn't shelter her from my staring. I just stood there like a crazy person having my hair trip water all over as I was supposed to dry it and not obsess over a girl I barely knew. She didn't stir or make much sound in her sleep.

When the clock showed it was 7 in the morning already, I groaned as I had work to do. I forced my eyes off of her and put on brown trousers and black t-shirt. I was too busy for distractions. I went to the office downstairs, which wasn't as big as mine in our home mansion. This one simply had a bookshelf in the back wall with books and pictures of us cousins as kids and a few rare ones of my mother. In front of it was a large dark wooden desk and office chair. There were also two black armchairs and a floor length window on the left wall. Cris had taken care of ordering furniture and everything to the apartment as I wasn't good at interior design and Remi would only remember snacks, computers and beds.

I opened my laptop to go through some legal stuff from our security company which Cris had asked me to check and the intel Rem had gathered and sended to me. I indeed had an issue called the Heidenbergs to deal with. I made notes by hand, arrangering my thoughts. Once in a while I had to make angry phone calls to one of the crazy trio to get them to do their jobs. I trusted Rem and our cousins. They were sharp and knew how to handle their roles even when I wanted to throw them all over the bridge and never have to deal with them again. However, the bigger headache I knew I would get working with random people always made me rethink my fantasies.

Around noon, Vivienne knocked on my office door when I was trying to figure out new logistics. Her hair was braided, but some tiny strands had escaped and she hadn't changed from my t-shirt that looked huge in her small body. Her long legs were bare, but she had found her socks to wear. Without her pretty makeup, her oval face was softer, kinder. She looked younger and innocent, more like her own age as the morning blurry hadn't let the hardness back to her face. She wasn't ready yet to battle with the darkness. I wanted to know the secrets behind her gaze, that implied she had seen more than she wanted during her lifetime.

"You are wearing my clips", her morning voice was a little hoarse and her big eyes stared at the green leaf clips I had used to keep my hair from my face after showering and forgot to take off.

"Yeah, they were useful. Did you sleep well?" I simply replied and got up from my chair.

"Mmh, I think so", her voice was quiet and light rose colour spread to her roundish cheeks, like she was blushing to her inner thoughts, which she did a lot around me.

"What do you want for breakfast? What do you normally eat?" I rushed her out of my office to not give her a glance of my papers. She scooted to sit in the kitchen's bar stool, while I went around to grab her a fresh glass of cold water.

"Um, nothing much usually", she said trying to avoid my stare. I had noticed she was thin, which could be natural for her, or because she didn't eat a lot. And truly my bets were on the second reason.

"Pancakes? We have some leftovers from yesterday that I made."

"Sure, it's fine", she murmured back and took a quick breath before continuing. "You can make food?"

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