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A song to listen to:
Des milliers de je t'aime by Slimane



"See you all next week!" I shouted before leaving the classroom. School had been fun during the first weeks. We had started with the basics, to make sure no one would be left behind. The class consisted of 20 people with different backgrounds, a mix of older and younger ones. They had different goals for studying, some wanted to open their own shops to do clothes, some were more interested to work with interior textiles and some wanted to make costumes for theatres. I was the youngest and most unsure about my future plan but they inspired me. The first year was dedicated to getting familiar with different areas before we could choose what we would want to specialise in.

I wasn't sure if I could call anyone my friend yet. It was hard to analyse people, it took time to see the threads of their real personalities behind the mask everyone put on at the beginning. Everyone wanted to be nice, to fit in, until they found their people who they resonated with. I hoped I could do it too, but I knew I could handle being alone. School hadn't been the best situation to be social for me in the past. I was in the group and people talked to me normally which was a win so far.

The wind of September was still warm as I stepped outside of the building and felt my pink cardigan a bit too heavy for the weather. The sun was shining on the black car waiting for me in the almost empty parking lot. Zero stepped out of his car when he noticed me. He was wearing black long sleeve cotton shirt and dark grey jeans, which made me a bit suspicious as I was also wearing a grey denim skirt. Did he stalk me to match our outfits?

"You ready?" Zero asked while opening the door to me. He had an excited glint in his eyes, but I was pretty sure mine was a nervous one. I had said yes to a date. One date was all I agreed to. I didn't know if I was ready, but still I nodded and landed on the car. For the whole week I had asked questions about what we would be doing, what I should wear and everything else to expect. Zero didn't inch. "Wear what you normally wear", was his only answer. A date by Zero Liu was a mystery and my imagination didn't come up with any good possibilities. As he wasn't wearing his suit, I guessed my only idea about a boring fancy restaurant was out of the window.

"How was your day?" he inquired after I had been quiet for a moment too long, which wasn't normal. I usually babbled about my day in detail without him asking. His day was always just fine if I asked about it.

"Good, nothing special at school", I said back to him, tapping my fingers to my thighs. I was nervous. The reasons why this was a bad idea, why he was a bad idea, were flowing to my brain. I had kept them away, hid them for many days. Zero didn't continue the discussion and we drove for some time but everything blurred in my vision. I was lost in my mind, picking apart every bad thought that dared to emerge. When I focused my eyes back to reality, we had parked on a vaste concrete spot and I could only see a tall bush and several other cars next to us.

"Come", Zero gave me his hand as he had risen from the car and went around it to open the door for me again. I reached to grab his hand and followed him as we went along the dark green bush barrier before a big arch made an entrance to reveal what was inside it. The colours took my breath away. So many variations of plants, flowers, trees. It was a huge garden under the blue sky. It was smelling amazing and fresh, almost overtaking every other sense of mine. Small stone paths wiggled around plants that had been planted in circles. Five class buildings were situated in the corners of the area. The biggest one in the middle of everything and there were groups of people slowly walking around and into the building.

"Magnifique '', I breathed out and my eyes found Zero who had a small smile on his lips while he was looking at me intensely. His dark eyes always lost any traces of lighter colours when he was focused on me. "Where are we?"

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