Chapter Six - Undone

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The operator hung up on me!

I looked at Stephanie and my classmate and decided to investigate myself. I checked our classmate's bloody belongings and found her identification card, her name was Julia Nash, and she was a sophomore.

I tried to wake up Julia as I heard the crazed man pound on the door again. "come on, come on!" I said shakily, quietly shaking her as Stephanie looked up towards the door.I felt hopeless, trying to figure out why no one had come to find us here yet. I didn't understand why there was no commotion or any sign of a police officer coming to help us out. However, soon my anxieties turned into anger. No one had come to check on us, despite people knowing we were trapped in here! I slowly began to stand up, hearing Stephanie tell me to get back down, I walked over to the umbrella stand, picked up the umbrella, and just waited.

I wanted to give the police a final chance to do their job and come get us. I wonder what my father would think if he heard his colleagues were not coming to get us. I heard the crazy man continue to hit and bash at the door, till I heard the glass shatter. A crazed piercing scream came from the other side of the door, which was accompanied by the smell of blood. The man had bashed open the glass window of the office door and had cut his arm in the process.

I decided that the umbrella was not enough, it would not deter this man from the small amount of safety Julia, Stephanie, and I had. I ran back to Treadwell's desk and grabbed the largest pair of office scissors I could find, before turning back to the door.

I saw the man's arm reaching in through the now broken window trying to reach for the doorknob. In one swift motion, I quickly brought the scissors down into the man's arm. His yells got louder as he quickly retracted his arm from the broken door window. There was a trail of blood as the man darted out of the room. I kept a hold on the scissors as I gently helped Julia stand up. "We need to find a way out of here," Stephanie said quietly, taking Julia's arm over her shoulder as I got to her other side.

"We have an identifier now, on where he is." Julia finally spoke up. "He's bleeding profusely, he will leave a trail unless he blocks it. Which I doubt he will with how insane he was to reach in a broken window."

"Save your strength, Julia, thank you for the information," Stephanie said as I went to slowly open the door, I held the scissors in two fingers as I got the doorknob open. Stephanie and I began to slowly leave the lecture room holding Julia in the middle. The halls were dead silent and the lights had been shut off. There was no sign of life anywhere since most likely everyone had run or were locked in their classrooms.

I tried to keep my footsteps light as Stephanie led us down the corridors. The exit was nearby, I saw it on the way into class while talking with Ainsley. I pointed to the left for Stephanie to lead, I watched her peak around the corner and immediately shoot back, nearly knocking us over.Her eyes were wide as she furiously shook her head no. I gave her a look as if to ask if the intruder was there. Stephanie cocked her head forward and looked at the floor as if to point with her eyes. I followed her gaze, turning to my right and seeing the trail of blood lead towards the left turn of the hallway, and realized that my suggestion was incredibly dangerous.

Stephanie tilted her head towards the right hallway and I glanced over to it. It seemed clear, however, that if the intruder was indeed in the left hallway, we would have our backs to him and be vulnerable, so I gestured to turn around to go down a different hallway, where we would have a chance to less likely be spotted.

My thoughts were cut short however when footsteps were audibly running away from where the trail of blood led to, seemingly deeper into the school as they got quieter. I glanced at Julia and Stephanie nervously and led back to a different hallway, before seeing the exit door that could lead us out to the main courtyard.

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