chapter 3

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" im full " taehyung said leaning back on the chair after eating the spaghetti with sausages his mom made for him. 

" you liked it ? " his mom Runa asked

" I never thought spaghetti and sausages Will go together,  but it's amazing " taehyung said

" taehyung , me and your mom will be going on a---"

" oh not again ! " taehyung sighed heavily as he looked at his father eunsae say.

" im so sorry honey,  it's an important business. " rona Said and taehyung pouted at her.

" take me with you " taehyung whined.

" no love,  you be here " rona Said her voice a little sad. "

" ugh ! " taehyung said as he stood up stomping and started to walk towards his room.

" he is angry on us honey " Runa Said and eunsae sighed heavily.

" you know we can't let him know right ? We have to be carefull not to get him more pissed off ; he is just a boy " eunsae Said and Runa breathed heavily and looked down.

" yeah , he is just a boy " Runa said silently.

Taehyung on the other hand went in his room very angry on his parents that they didn't let him go with them.

" always business business business " taehyung said kicking his bed flopping In.

Taehyung felt so angry but , he suddenly felt fear , an fear enclosing him.  He felt like he was not alone in the room.

He looked around his room , the dimly lit golden lights his windows wide open curtains dancing on the wind suddenly his eyes fell on the mirror and he saw something.

An shadow ?

Taehyung felt his heart beat rise as he stood up in fear , the shadow still there not moving a bit taehyung gulped as he looked at the tall mirror as he walked towards it.


Taehyungs heart beat reached it's maximum when he saw the shadow more clearly , it looked like a person , a person standing ,  he can't see his face buy he can say it's a guy.

Taehyung slowly raised his hands and when he was about to touch the mirror the shadow was gone , the shadow was nowhere to be found on the mirror

Taehyungs forehead was now covered in sweat. His face paled when he felt a precense behind him.

Someone breathing

Taehyung felt his heart on his throat as he gulped when he felt the breath right behind his ears.

Taehyung gripped his own fingers into fist as he heard the presence behind him chuckle

" w-who are you " taehyung asked his voice trembling puffs

" im a guardian " taehyung felt shivers run down his spine as he heard the deep hoarse voice that was comming from behind.

Taehyung panicked and turned around only to be welcomed by a sharp pain on his nape then everything went blank.

" good night angel " the creature Said as he looked at the male in his arms with his eyes closed deep into a slumber.


Taehyung woke up rubbing his eyes as he looked around,  he was on his bed he wiped away his drool. Taehyung suddenly remembered what happened last night

His blood froze as he remembered it. Taehyungs eyes slowly darted towards the mirror standing still and---why is he on his bed.

Weren't I standing? taehyung said as he looked more terrified on the next moment he was on his feet standing up running out

He prays that his parents should be there,  " please , please , please " taehyung mumbled as he looked at his parents room.


Taehyung rushed towards the dining room and his eyes caught a note that was on the counter.

Mom and dad are sorry sweetie , we really have to leave 

Love you,  mom

" no , no mom " taehyung said as he breathed heavily looking at the big house , him All alone.

" shit , I'll call jimin " taehyung Said as he took his phone and tried to calm jimin , but the line was completly busy

" no , jimin you too ? " taehyung asked worriedly , after an huge mental breakdown. Taehyung ate a cup of noodles yet , felt so watched.  So watched that he can feel the burn of the sight. 

Soon , the sun was going down taehyung had his popcorn in his hands TV was on he was watching netflix the movie frozen II was playing he laughed so hard when Elsa literally pushed Anna off the ship with Olaf in her ice boat.

Taehyung had tiny drops of tears on his eyes as he watched the movie with ful joy without knowing that there was someone looking at him. Very deeply , eyes filled with so much desire.

Taehyung suddenly felt Cold,  very cold. Taehyung looked at the air conditioner it was off

" why the hell is it cold " taehyung asked pulling his blanket more over himself. Taehyung continued to watch the movie but.  He felt un easy , he felt like someone was watching him. And it was creeping him out.

" I should go , sleep " taehyung Said as he looked at the clock 3.00 am it Said he turned off the TV and slowly walked towards his room and opened it.

His room was ice cold.

" why the it this cold ? Is it snowing outside ? " taehyung asked as he opened the bathroom door and took a hot shower before wearing a pyjama and he took his brush and started to brush his teeth.

Taehyung looked at himself in the mirror and his face paled , paled like a white sheet. There was something in his neck on the side of his neck to be specific.

It looked like a small black line and another black line crossing it , it looked like an cross but , inverted.

" what the fuck " taehyung said as he drenched his towel in the sink and put it on his neck and started to rub it clean

He took off the towel and taehyung felt his heart beat again , it was gone,  the cross was gone

" goodness " taehyung said leaning in with his hands letting out a big sigh.

Taehyung came out of the bathroom and layed down on his bed with no energy , It was 3.30 am.

After a while taehyung fell into a deep slumber his room was pitch black the mirror in his room started to change color,  it changed into somewhat a black liquid like thing.

And an legs came out of it an whole person came out of it. He was wearing an long black robe his raven hair was falling down on his face back forming an mullet  his eyes glowing purple ear covered with rings and piercings veiny hands 6 feet tall.

The creature had such an lust aura that the room started to become more just by his legs landing on the room

The creature had a smirk on his face as he looked at taehyung sleeping so soundly he slowly walked towards taehyung

The Demon looked at the sleeping boys face lust forming in his eyes just like that , the boys precense was making the demon feel like a rollar coaster.

He wanted to take him right then , right there. 


Smut next chapter!

MY DEMON | taekook Where stories live. Discover now