chapter 10

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" where were you ? " taehyung asked nuzzling his nose on jungkook.

" im here I'll always be here " jungkook said as he pulled out and cupped taehyungs face.

" did they hurt you? "

" who ? "

" those angels ? " jungkook asked booping taehyung.

" those are angels !? " taehyung was amazed , he didn't really had any idea of it , he always thought they are just a myth.

But,  he doesent know what to belive and not to now cause his whole life became like this , he is fucking a demon and angles broke into his house , what else can happen ? Having a clash with god ? He wouldn't be surprised if he did so.

Taehyung suddenly remembered the way jungkooks hands were Burning when he held the staff that was up to  kill taehyung.

" show me your hands " taehyung hastily said as he pulled jungkooks hands and looked at it.

There was a bug bruise , of that staff on jungkooks hands.

" goodness " taehyung said feeling a little pang in his heart as he looked at the bruise in jungkooks hands.

" does it hurt ? " taehyung asked in a small voice as he traced his slender fingers over jungkooks bruise. 

" im a demon my love " jungkook said in a soft tone.

" so , doesent it hurt ? " jungkook was flabbergasted by taehyung his actions were making jungkook feel like he was bring drenched in a sweet rain.

" you make me dazed my love " jungkook said tucking in taehyungs Ahir behind his ears and taehyung Leaned in kissing jungkooks hands.

" it'll go away " taehyung whispered.

" jungkook , I have questions " taehyung said and jungkook grabbed taehyung by his waist sitting down in the armchair with taehyung on his lap.

" ask me anything my sweet heart " jungkook said.

" what are you ? Really ? I don't understand why angels broke into my house to k-kill me what did I do " taehyungs body felt shivers as he remembered the angles he was so fuckinh scared of them.

" let me break it easily,  im an demon , I am an asmodeous and the king of lust demons " taehyungs eyes widen at it.

" you're the king !? " taehyung was genuinely shocked.

" yes , and you're soon to be the queen " jungkook said

" me ? The queen ? What are you talking About ? "

" look , im an demon , and there is this thing called jinx more like a mate to me , you're my jinx and you're my mate " jungkook said.

" it's like fated ? " taehyung asked and jungkook nodded at it. Taehyung was a little sad cause he thought that jungkook liked him since he loved him but it's not like that he , was his fated jinx  , a little sad.

" what happened my love ? " jungkook asked

" when will I be able to go home? My parents must be worried " taehyung asked and jungkook smiled at it.

" I'll let you there before the sun rises " jungkook said and taehyung smiled as he leaned in pressing his lips with jungkooks.

Jungkook and taehyung both started to make out in that arm chair as taehyung straddle him and jungkooks hands were on taehyungs waist grabbing it tightly.

" damn " jungkook whispered as taehyung stared to grind hid hips on jungkooks cock.

" jungkook ! " someone broke into thier room.

" What the heck seokjin! " jungkook yelled.

" we have found dead demons " jungkook was shocked do as taehyung.

" demons ? Dead ? " jungkook asked in a questionable voice as he stood up

" show me " and all of them were on thier feet running to the spot yoongi was already there looking at not one but two bodies lying down on the ground.

" what in the " jungkook asked and yoongi moved away jungkooks eyes fell on the demons dead on the floor with burn just like jungkooks hands on thier neck looked like chains.

" how is this " jungkook asked he looked shocked at the way the demons was dead both of thier wings were brutally hurted face smeared in blood and the staff Mark all Over their body.

" who are they ! What is thier group ? " jungkook asked.

" they are Lilith " yoongi said and jungkooks eyes widen at it.


Please forgive me for the short chapter my period got the best of me.

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