chapter 6

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Taehyungs curiosity went to extreme as he walked into professor midellas room , it was such an wierd room with lots of plants and a dark themed wall with her black cat sitting on the table.

" professor midella ? " taehyung said as he closed the door behind him and looked around curiously at the wierd objects on her room.

Taehyung walked towards her book shelf and his eyes caught a red book , standing out among the other books. Taehyung slowly took the book and opened the first page.


This book is not for any kind of funny purposes this book contains information about demons and thier activities and how to summon them. Please don't follow the below mentioned rituals if you don't want to get into trouble.

Demons are real , they are undefined, frightened species of hell. Long long ago demons are Seen over the mortal releam. The immortal releam such as the hell. Contains lots of demons for each purposes.

To summon these....

" ? " taehyung immedeatly hid the book behind his back and looked at professor midella there.

" professor Sccot " taehyung said and midella definitely knows taehyung was hiding something.

" do you need any help ? " medella asked in her calm voice as she sat down on her seat pouring some tea to herself.

" do you want tea ? " medella asked

" no thanks " taehyung whispered and medella took a sip of the tea and looked at taehyung waiting for him to speak.

" oh yeah , professor , um , I want to talk to you about something " taehyung said slowly sliding the red book inside his bag.

" yes sure " midella Said.

" I wanna know more about demons , professor " taehyung said casually putting his hands on his pockets looking around at the room.

" demons , Interesting "

" yes , I----ive been having some wierd dreams and like , professor , you said we might invite a demon if we look or go naked infront of a mirror? " taehyung asked and midella raised her eyebrows at taehyung and nodded

" yes , yes we might " midella Said.

" there are lustfull demons out there , they crave for lust ,I don't want to name any cause I shouldn't and you should leave , it's getting late " midella Said and taehyung bowed to her and walked out of the room hastily.

" you'll get there sooner " midella Said an evil smirk on her face eyes dark as she looked at the empty space inbetween the books.

Taehyung walkes out of the corridor as he opened his bag his smile peeping out as he looked at the red book on his bag. He hastily went to his house and locked the door behind.

" I don't even know what I'm doing " taehyung said as he sat down on his bed with the red book he got.

He opened a random page and shoot

How to summon demons


Summoning demons involves engaging with supernatural forces and may lead to unintended consequences, including but not limited to psychological harm, physical danger, and spiritual repercussions. It is imperative to exercise extreme caution and discretion when attempting any form of occult practice.

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