16. Graduation

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It was officially June. The boys were graduating at the end of this month. Cadence broke the news to us that he was Valid Victorian at Ian's house. He had been trying to prepare a speech for a while now. He claimed that it was finished, but he would never let me read it. Finally, the highly anticipated day came. I dressed in a dark gray pencil skirt and a white v-neck shirt. I left my hair down and curly. Cadence wrapped his arms around my waist as I was double-checking my outfit in my full length mirror. I leaned back into him as he rested his head against my shoulder.

"If I haven't said it enough lately, I love you," he whispered softly. I smiled and turned into him.

"I know," I smiled. "I love you too." I kissed him softly before I pulled away reluctantly. I smiled at him. Today was the big day.

"Come on; we're going to be late," he said softly. He actually looked nervous. I shrugged it off and got in the car. We drove to the school and went inside. Cadence went with his class to get ready while I went to go take a seat next to Tessa. We waited patiently for the ceremony to start. After the counselor and principle said a few words, Cadence went to stand at the podium. He smiled nervously.

"Class of 2014, we finally did it. We graduated. Against all the odds we survived learning," he joked. Everyone laughed softly. "I remember my first year here. I was a nervous and antsy junior with a backpack full of school supplies. I was quiet and mostly kept to myself, but later that year, I was put on the Varsity football team. It taught me teamwork, friendship, and how to take a hit. Just like football, this school has taught me many life lessons. It's taught me how to work in different environments, how to be social, and how to love. Principal Logan, Mrs. James, Mr. Thomas, and so many more have taught us all lessons I know we'll never forget. I would love to stay here another year, just to be around these role models. I hope I can be half as great as these amazing people." He paused and swallowed nervously. "Another person I would like to thank is Elliot Harper, or Ellie, as most of you know her as. When I first met her, I wasn't sure what I thought about her, but now I know. She knows way more than me, and she's only a junior. She's bright and smart. She's also... the love of my life. Elle... I love you. I always have, and I always will. I can always rely on you to be there for me. Even in the face of danger, you stand up for what you believe in. You are best friend and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He asked nervously. I was shocked. I was stunned. I couldn't move. Tessa nudged me and I stood slowly. I walked at human speed towards Cadence. It felt like the longest walk in my life. I finally reached him. I smiled as tears spilled out of my eyes. I nodded and breathed "yes" before I hugged him tightly. He slipped a ring on my finger and the crowd cheered. I hugged him tightly again and kissed him softly once. After the cheering died down, I went back to my seat next to Tessa. She hugged me tightly and giggled. They continued with the ceremony and handed out the diplomas. Afterwards, a lot of people came up and congratulated me. I was beaming. I could only smile and thank them. Even Justin congratulated me. Damon pat Cadence on the back and Tessa stuck by my side as our boys were congratulated. I couldn't believe it. I was getting married. I looked down at the ring on my finger. It was very nice. It had a swirl pattern that went to the base of the jewel. It wasn't a traditional diamond, it was a sapphire. I noticed now that the jewel matched the one on the necklace my birth parents gave to me. Cadence walked over to me smiling. I kissed him gently and smiled as well.

"I love you," he sighed. I tried to say something, but my words were caught in my throat. My eyes watered and I smiled softly.

"I think she's still in shock," Tessa giggled. I gave up on talking and just nodded. Damon laughed and hugged Tessa around her stomach. He smiled and kissed her. He placed a hand on her stomach and looked at her lovingly. I sighed sadly. Two more months left. I shook it out of my head and smiled. Everything was going to be fine. Cadence wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned back into him. He smiled and kissed my cheek as more people congratulated us. I smiled and thanked each of them.

"Cadence, how long have you been planning this?" I asked when I finally got my voice back. He smiled and kissed my nose.

"When I first told you that I love you," he smiled. That was close to four months ago. He chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Come on." He smiled and led me to the car. Damon and Tessa were already there. I let Tessa sit in the front. Her stomach was so big now, that she needed a lot of room when we went anywhere. Cadence drove us to my house and we all had a movie marathon in my room for the rest of the day. Even Kylie came and joined us. The next two months passed quickly. I wasn't looking forward to Tessa's surgery. I had been studying how to do a c-section. I had to perform it with Ian. I didn't want to risk hurting my best friend, but I didn't want her to die, so I was kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I asked Ian if he could do it himself, but he only told me that more than one person needed to operate. It was going to be me. I was the smartest of us all, and I could keep a steady hand. Ian showed me how to perform the operation by practicing on an egg and watermelon. Tessa was waiting nervously in the secret room before we all knew it. Everyone looked nervous. I knew everything I could about the surgery now and I was pretty sure this would go swimmingly. Ian already had pain medicine coursing through her veins. The incubators were already running. The jelly substance was heated to the proper temperature and they were ready to go. Damon held Tessa's hand tightly. He looked scared. Ian and I were dressed in scrubs. Cadence and Kylie were out in the living room. Ian placed a breathing mask on her. She was soon asleep. Damon kissed her forehead one last time before he left the room. Ian and I got started. I made the incision in her stomach and we got to work.

Both children were put in the incubators immediately. I sewed Tessa back up and make sure her stomach was securely shut. The heart monitor next to her was still going at a normal pace. The babies' heart monitor read normal as well. We did it. I sighed and almost collapsed with relief. Ian held me up until he was sure I would stand on my own. He took the breathing mask off of her, but left the pain medicine going through her. About an hour or so later, she woke up. She immediately tried to sit up, but I kept her down.

"You're stomach is only being held together by thread. I would suggest not moving," I said. She nodded weakly and starting looking around.

"Did it work?" she asked looking for her children. I smiled and nodded.

"Everything went perfectly," I whispered. I scrunched my eyebrows at her. "What did you decide for names?" I asked curiously. She smiled and closed her eyes.

"Roman and Raleigh," she smiled. She yawned and closed her eyes.

"Get some sleep Tess," I whispered. She nodded and soon fell asleep. I left the room and went into the living room where everyone was waiting. I smiled and nodded. "There are all fine." I delivered the great news. Damon sighed in relief and dashed over to hug me tightly. I laughed and hugged him back. Cadence and Kylie also had a look of relief on their faces.

"Did she tell you what she named them?" Kylie asked. I smiled and nodded again.

"Roman and Raleigh," I repeated. Everyone looked content and happy. I yawned and started heading back towards the room. Cadence stopped me.

"You should get some sleep; you look tired," he suggested. I shook my head.

"I'm going to go heal Tessa's scar before anything can go wrong," I replied. I went back to the room. I touched Tessa's cut gently and focused all of my energy on it. Healing other people was something Ian only recently taught me, but I got the hang of it pretty easily. Tessa was all healed up and I took the stitches out. I healed the holes and made sure everything was okay. I double checked all of their vital signs before I carried Tessa up to my room and set up the heart monitor there. I sat in the secret room and watched the twins until my eyelids felt heavy. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Damon.

"You've done so much already Ellie. Go get some rest; I'll watch Roman and Raleigh," Damon smiled softly. I was about to argue, but my yawn interrupted me. I nodded and went to the living room. I laid down on the long couch and quickly fell asleep.

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