24. Wedding Bells

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The next day, Cadence allowed John to explain everything to him. John explained about his twin and mother, the war, him giving Cade up, everything. I sat and listened in tears. Cadence was sitting next to me and holding my hand tightly. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed when John finished. I looked over to Cadence. His jaw was locked, but his eyes were moist. I kissed his hand softly. He looked over to me and smiled sadly.

"I get it," Cadence said finally, looking back to John. I smiled and laid my head back down on his shoulder. He spent the whole day catching up with his father. I went and gave them some privacy by taking care of the twins with Tessa. The wedding was practically all taken care of. All I had to do was walk down the aisle and say those two tender words.

When the twins were six months, we finally had the bachelorette party. John bought a house near Ian so he could keep in touch with Cadence. Tessa handed the twins over to Ian and John for the night while that rest of us went out to the bachelor parties. I made Damon promise no stripers. He laughed and promised. Tessa, Kylie and I went out to a club. Tessa and Kylie dressed me up in a tight white dress and a small hot pink veil attached to a tiara with hot pink heels. They practically poured drinks down my throat one after another; Martinis and Vodka galore. Once they were satisfied with my level of alcohol, we hit the dance floor. I didn't dance with other guys, but I danced with Tessa and Kylie all night long.

"Hey party people! We have a special guest for you tonight. I need all of you to help me welcome Bruno Mars!" the DJ announced. We all went nuts. Bruno Mars took the stage and smiled as he took the microphone.

"Thank you! And before we get started, I want to bring someone up here on stage. Now, I heard that we have a bride-to-be in the house. Can I get the future Mrs. Ellie Taylor up here please?" Bruno Mars asked. My jaw dropped and I stood there shocked. Kylie and Tessa pushed me onto the stage. Bruno Mars sat me down and sang to me. It was the most wonderful experience ever. At the end, he kissed my hand and congratulated me. I went back down with Tessa and Kylie and immediately squealed. After we were done at the club, we headed back to my house. After manicures and pedicures, games and gossip, we finally fell asleep. The next day, I had a terrible hangover. We went back to Ian's after I showered and got dressed. I took Tessa on my back. The twins ran to Tessa as soon as we walked in.

"Mommy!" they both yelled. They each grabbed one of her legs in a hug. Their yelling made my head hurt. I grunted and went upstairs to my room. I plopped down on the bed and pulled the pillow over my head. I heard a chuckle coming from the front of the room. I looked over to see Cadence smiling at me.

"Have fun last night?" he joked. I nodded and threw a pillow at him. He laughed and laid next to me, pulling me into him. "Do you want aspirin?" he asked. I nodded and he went downstairs to go get it. He was back up again in a matter seconds. I took the medicine gratefully and thanked him.

"So what did you do last night?" I asked. He chuckled.

"We went to the shooting range in California and then hit the beach," he said. "What about you?" he asked. It was my turn to chuckle.

"We went to a club and Bruno Mars sang to me," I said quietly. He looked at me shocked.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief. I smiled and nodded.

"It was great," I smiled. "But Tessa and Kylie were practically pouring the drinks down my throat." I whined. He laughed.

"But... Bruno Mars; really?" he asked again. I laughed and nodded before I fell asleep.


Finally, the day of the wedding came. I was dressed in my robe. Kylie was putting the finishing touches on my hair when John came in. Kylie had her attention on the flower arrangements. I stood in front of the full length mirror and smiled at the intricate design Kylie just finished. John stood behind me and smiled as well. I gasped as a shooting pain went through my back. I saw my face contort in pain and shock. I also saw John's smile tighten.

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