6- Not So Romeo and Juliet

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I woke up the next morning to my mom's soft voice. My eyes slowly opened to find both of my parents sitting on the edge of my bed. I was on alert immediately as I tried to discreetly look around for Cadence. I let out a small sigh of relief that he heard them coming and was smart enough to hide. Honestly, I slept like a rock. If I was sleeping, I heard nothing. Although I was glad that he hid, I was also slightly disappointed that I didn't get to wake up in his arms like last time. I gave my parents a small smile, turning my attention back to them.

"Good morning sweetheart," my father said quietly. My heart fluttered as I thought of the small endearment that Cadence used to tease me when we first met.

I seem to be feeling very nostalgic today.

"Mom, dad, what's going on?" I asked sleepily. They both smiled at me.

"Your father and I feel like we haven't been as involved in your life lately. We figured a day on the town would be good for us as a family. We could go eat breakfast, go to the mall, maybe go to the zoo or something," my mother explained. I sat up a little more and faked a cough. As appealing as that sounded, I would have rather stayed in bed all day with Cadence. Plus, we needed to talk about the kiss.

The mind-blowing, body-numbing kiss.

"The zoo? I'm not five, although that does sound like fun. I don't know. I really don't feel too well. I think I'm sick," I lied, coughing again for emphasis. My mom reached over and pressed the back of her hand against my forehead.

"You're burning up sweetie," she frowned. "Do you want us to stay here with you, or go to a doctor?" she asked worried. I smiled softly and shook my head.

"I'll be fine. I was just going to go back to sleep anyway. You guys go ahead without me. Go have enough fun for all of us. When was the last time you two had a date alone together?" I said a tad bit dramatically. But hey, I was trying to sell it. I coughed again in the silence.

"Okay," my mother finally gave in reluctantly. I felt a little bad, but Cadence was right when he said that everyone who isn't like us falls into the background. My parents kissed my head and left me some money before they left. I turned my head and jumped slightly when I saw Cadence.

"God! You scared me," I breathed as I placed a hand on my chest to try to calm my rapidly beating heart. Cadence chuckled and got in the bed beside me. I could feel the electricity almost immediately. It was more of a nervous energy.

"I know that you're not really sick, so why didn't you go?" he asked. I shrugged and watched my hands play with the corner of the sheets.

"Cut your losses as soon as possible, right?" I said. He sighed and tilted my chin up to make me look at him.

"I didn't mean from the people who raised you," he said. I turned my head back towards the sheets.

"They're not my real parents anyway," I muttered.

"No, you're real parents died trying to protect you. These people who you call parents now; they took you in, they raised you, they chose you," he said. I could feel my tears brewing. I bit my lip lightly and took a deep breath, getting my tear ducts under control.

"It doesn't matter anyway. They can never know, so lying to them is just going to happen," I shrugged it off. I debated whether or not to bring up the subject we really needed to talk about. He could probably tell it was coming, from the thick tension hanging in the air.

"About last night..." I started. He stopped me before I could say anything else by pressing his lips against mine. I let out a small breath of surprise as my stability gave way and I found myself lying on my back. Cadence hovered over me and it felt like fire was pulsing through my veins. His every move had my body on high alert. I could feel his every touch... and I loved it. The kiss turned tender and gentle before he peppered kisses on my lips.

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