29. Our House

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The overwhelming smell of bacon and pancakes drifted into my nose and woke up my whole body. My eyes shot open as my mouth started to water. My eyes took in my unfamiliar surroundings. I wasn't in the same bed I fell asleep in. I sat up and looked around the room. I was in a master's bedroom. The bed felt softer, there was more space in this room, the dresser was huge, and the bed was bigger. I looked around confused when Cadence walked into the room with a tray full of food. My stomach growled and I wasn't as worried about the strange bedroom anymore.

"Surprise," Cadence said kissing me as he set the tray of food down on my legs. I immediately dug in.

"Where are we?" I said when I finally slowed down on the food. He smiled.

"Our house," he smiled. I stopped chewing and looked at him. "This is what Damon and I have been working on. We've been building this, and another house for him and Tessa, but this is our house. And it's only a few miles from Tessa and Ian." He explained. I smiled and hugged him tightly. He laughed and kissed my head. I pulled back. A smile lit my face and my eyes were wild with excitement.

"I want to see the rest of the house," I said smiling. He smiled and nodded. I finished my food and he quickly took the tray downstairs. I started opening doors. I opened one door to find a massive walk-in closet full of our clothes. Another door led to a huge master bathroom full with a power jet bath tub, a shower with a clear shelling so that I could see directly into it, two sinks, and many cabinets. A door in the bathroom let to the toilet. I heard Cadence chuckle from behind me. I turned to look at him. His arms crossed over his chest and he smiled.

"You couldn't wait for your tour guide?" he joke. I shrugged and grabbed his hand as I left the bathroom, and ultimately, the room. He walked in front of me and showed me the rest of the house. Upstairs, there was a game room, a baby room, a movie room, a guest room, and a spare room. The downstairs was complete with a massive living room, kitchen, dining room, study, laundry room, and a music room full of instruments. I smiled as the tour ended.

"This is wonderful Cadence," I whispered. I kissed him gently and hugged him tightly. I immediately went to the music room and started playing any instrument I could touch. He sat and listened quietly.

"You should do this professionally," he said when I finished. I blushed and shook my head.

"No way," I replied standing up. He exasperated a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Why not? You're great," he said. I laughed and shook my head.

"You're only saying that because I'm your wife," I laughed and walked over to where he was sitting. I sat in his lap and he kissed my belly.

"Let's survive this year first and then I'll think about it," I said placing a hand on my stomach. He hesitated before he nodded.

"Fine... plus, Blake's going to be a handful as it is already," Cadence smiled at my stomach. I laughed.

"It might be a girl," I corrected him. He shook his head.

"I think it's a boy," he argued playfully. I sighed and rolled my eyes. After lunch, we ran over to Tessa and Damon's new place. She was beaming. The twins seemed to love the play set Damon had set up in their playroom. Cadence was right; Damon and Tessa weren't far from where we were at all. After a brief visit, Cadence showed me how to get to Ian's house from ours. We poked our head in and said hi to Ian before we went back home. I saw that Cadence took the liberty to bring all of my stuff from my house. Everything was there. He didn't miss a thing. Everything was great. I filled the tub with bubbles and turned the jets on. With a content sigh, I relaxed into the water. My eyes closed and I leaned my head back onto the bath pillow Cadence had set up. Cadence kissed me softly.

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