10- What is Normal?

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I woke feeling groggy and still sleepy. I moved to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair before shuffling back to my bed and burying myself in the covers. I knew that Damon was watching me but I didn't care. There was no way I was going anywhere today. 

"Um, Ellie, what are you doing?" Damon asked. I heard another set of footsteps.

"What are you doing?" Cadence asked. I groaned and held on to the corner of the covers tightly. 

"Shut up," I groaned. 

"You have to get ready for school," Cadence said. I felt pressure on the bed before there was pulling at the covers. 

"Touch me and you die," I practically growled. Damon only laughed as Cadence pulled the covers away from my face. 

"You can't stay home today, it would look suspicious," he said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Don't you think you're being a little too overdramatic? If I say I'm sick, the worst they will think is that I'm playing hookie; not that I'm some mythical creature who happened to come into her Legacy powers," I argued. Cadence shook me gently as I closed my eyes again. 

"Seriously Ellie," he said. I glared at him. 

"I'm serious too. I'm tired and I'm not going to school, and you can't make me," I challenged him. 

"You need to go," he said. I pulled the covers back over my head and relaxed. I was shoved from my bed and landed on the floor with a thud. 

"Get your lazy ass up now," Kylie said. I untangled myself from the covers to see that she was standing with her arms crossed, watching me. 

"Do you have a death wish?" I snapped at her. 

"No, but you might be using yours soon if you don't get up. The people hunting you monitor these things. If you're absent again after already coming into your powers, it will be obvious who you really are," she said. I rolled my eyes and trudged to my closet. I put on a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie. 

Hey, they never said I had to try. 

We got to school and they practically had to drag me out of the car and inside. I groaned and complained the whole way. I hated this. I hated school. I hated them. 

Actually, I loved Cadence, but at this moment, I hated them all briefly.

I touched my hidden necklace briefly as I stuffed my head in my locker. I heard them chuckling at me. I turned and glared at them. Cadence smirked and pecked me gently. 

"You're so adorable when you're mad. Come on, it won't be that bad," he assured me as he led me to my class. I dragged my feet so that by the time we got there, class had already started. We all stopped outside the door.

"I got eyes," Damon smiled before he zoomed away. 

"I'll keep eyes on the hallway," Kylie announced before she disappeared. 

"I got ears, baby," Cadence smiled before he kissed me gently and slowing. I held onto his neck and pulled him closer. He chuckled and pulled away. "Go to class, Ellie," he said softly. I rolled my eyes before doing as he said. I tried to pay attention to the teacher, but I was surprised to find out that I already knew what she was teaching. 

"Bored yet?" I heard Cadence chuckle. I rolled my eyes. 

"Stop it," I hissed at him. 

"Elliot, am I boring you?" the teacher snapped at me. I glanced at the board and shrugged. 

"The second part should me -2 over pie, not 3 over 8," I said dismissively. She laughed humorlessly and crossed her arms. 

"I'm sorry but who's the teacher here?" she said sarcastically. "I think I know what I'm doing." 

I sighed and stood up, moving to the board. I held my hand out and looked at the mark in her hand. "May I?" I asked just as sarcastically. She shot me a tight sarcastic smile and handed me the marker. I redid the equation and she just stared at the board shocked. 

"T-That's all... i-it's all right," she said shocked. I chuckled and shrugged, handing the marker back to her. 

"I know; that's what I was trying to tell you," I said, going back to my seat. Our teacher was flustered for the rest of the class period. I think she was still in shock. She eventually gave up and told us to just start on our homework.

The bell finally rang and I couldn't get out fast enough. I sighed when I got to my locker, but my relief was short lived when my three protectors crowded me. I groaned in frustration and turned on my heels to face them. 

"You guys are suffocating me!" I snapped at them. They all thought it would be hilarious to just take a step back before they cracked up laughing. I took pleasure in punching the nearest person, who happened to by Damon. He held his shoulder.

"Ow, your punches actually hurt you know" Damon said, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Good," I sneered.  My next classes weren’t as bad as the first. Finally, it was lunchtime. I didn’t feel like eating in the cafeteria today, so I went out to the courtyard for some fresh air. Kylie came up first. She watched me sit down and the looked around the courtyard unsurely. The courtyard was mainly where the weird kids hung out. Thus they were called, courtyard kids.

“Um, Ellie, what are you doing?” she asked. I shrugged as Damon and Cadence saw down. Eventually Kylie sat down too, but she didn’t look too happy about it.

“I guess I just wanted a change of scenery and some fresh air,” I said, getting ready to dig into my food.

“Ellie!” someone yelled, just as I was about to take a bite. I sighed in frustration before I turned to see Tessa. She smiled at me and bounded up to me. I smiled back at her but that didn’t stop the pang of guilt that came bubbling up.

“Hey, Tess. What are you doing?” I asked with a tight smile.

“Eating lunch with a best friend who’s been avoiding and ditching me since her birthday,” she said sarcastically. I sighed and closed my eyes briefly. “Look, I don’t want to fight with you. I just want my best friend back,” she explained quickly. I looked to Cadence hopefully. He smiled softly and nodded. I scoot over so Tessa could sit down. Damon couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He reached his hand out and smiled.

“I’m Damon,” he introduced himself.

“I know,” Tessa said. Her eyes snapped up to his as she blushed. I giggled. “I’m Tessa, or Tess, whatever floats your boat,” she said as she shook his hand. She jumped and pulled her hand away as Damon looked at her confused.

“Sorry, I must have been dragging my feet,” Damon muttered. I looked at Cadence knowingly. After a moment of silence, we both broke out laughing. Everyone else looked at us like we were crazy. But we knew something they didn’t.

“Tell you later,” I said low enough for only Damon and Kylie to hear. Damon and Kylie let it go, but Tessa was still confused. I only shook my head and took another bite out of my sandwich. Damon talked with Tessa the whole time. It was kind of cute the way they both babbled nervously with each other. They were going to be so cute together.

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