Part 37

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Jimin : Oh y/n-shi nothing will happen to you please please stay strong .....don't.....please don't leave me....(*cries and sobs*)

~ After a While ~

Kiara : Y/N!!! (*shocked voice with puffy eyes*)

Lia : Kiara!! She inside we can't go now!!

Kiara : Is it true?? Is taehyung...

Lia : (*teary eyes and nods*) 

Kiara : what?? Did mi...mia do this ?? (*tears falling*)

Lia : Yes kiara (*tears starts to fall*)

Kiara : Oh why does these happen?? what bad did y/n do??? How can she kill her own bestfriend's husband for that?? (*cries*)

Lia : I know kiara but please stay quiet ..we are in hospital

Kiara : (*sobs*) 

Lia : Don't worry we will get through this as that's the only choice left for us 

Kiara : Yes but-

Jennie : Unnie!!! Is everything true??? (*teary eyes*)

Kiara : Yes jennie

Rose: Kiara? Is taehyung...

Kiara : Yes (*nods with tears*)

Rose : Why are these happening huh?? Why my y/n struggle this much??? (*cries and hugs jennie*)

Jennie : Why did Mia do such a thing to y/n?? (*cries with mixed emotion*)

Kiara : I don't why I chose her to be my best friend!! (*cries*)

Jennie : It's ok kiara come here (*hugs her*)

Kiara : Thanks for comforting jennie but how will y/n go through this??

Jisoo : y/n admitted?

Jennie : Yes jisoo she's inside


Rose : (*tells her everything*)

Jisoo : WHAT?? DID...DID MIA DO THIS?? (*cries and sobs*)

Kiara : Yes it shocks me too (*cries*)

Jisoo : (*cries*) Y/n please come back soon nah.....please I don't want her to leave us...I know it's hard for you to bear this but.....please......

~ After few months ~

Author's POV : Soon her family and everyone got the news and y/n had a surgery in her brain but.....

Doctor : I'm sorry to tell you this but she's lost her memory because of that incident she's going through trama which leads her into memory loss of her husband and all the time she spent with him as he was the person for her trama...I'm sorry we can't do anything if you want her to have them back then you have to bring her husband back to remind her again by those incidents  but not that accident..... maybe she will get it back but I'm not sure as it works only in less percent but only that person can help or else leave and let her start a new life....I'm sorry for this as we tried our best but couldn't.....

Jimin : WHAT??? It's I'll take care of her...


Jisoo : Don't worry aunty everything will be fine....(*hugs her*)

Kiara : I won't leave that MIA!!! She was the one to make y/n suffer like this.....

Jennie : Leave it kiara it's over and let's stay strong and let y/n start a new life now....

Rose : Yes your right jennie... now because of that she dosen't have to suffer more....

The love I never thought I would get ( THV FF )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz