Part 44

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Kiara : Aww...what a love....finally they are back (*wipes her tears*)

~After Few months ~

Y/n 's POV : While I was cooking I felt two strong veiny arms around my waist..

Y/n : (*flinches*)

Tae : Good Morning Love! (*whispers with deep and husky voice while back hugging*)

Y/n : Go-good morning (*nervous smile*)

Tae : (*chuckles*) Well what are you making?

Y/n : Ohh pancakes and strawberry shake..

Tae : Wow good..

Y/n : Go and fresh up...Breakfast will be ready soon

Tae : Ok but you forgot to give me one important thing (*pouts*)

Y/n : Huh? What did I forget? 

Tae : Well the thing you give me every morning..

Y/n : Ohh yes how can I forget it?

Tae : (*surprised*) You remember it? Now Give me!

Y/n : Here (*gives him water*)

Tae : Huh?? Not this y/n and I know that you give this to me every morning too

Y/n : Then what else?

Tae : Aishhh y/n (*kisses you*)

Y/n : (*shocked and kisses back*)

Tae : (*pulls back*) This is what I asked 

Y/n : Sorry! (*pouts*)

Tae : (*smiles*) Well you need a punishment for forgetting it (*smirk*)

Y/n : Huh?? 

Tae : Well...(*comes closer*)

* phone rings*

Y/n : Oh someone's calling me (*takes her phone and sighs heavily*)

Tae : Aishhh who is it huh? (*irritated tone*)


Kiara : Hello y/n!

Y/n : Oh kiara!! How are you?

Kiara : I'm all good and I called you to remind you about my plan!

Y/n : huh? What plan? For?

Kiara : Well you don't know what day is it huh? When you guys are the ones who planned everything?

Y/n : Aishhh I totally forgot about it! 

Kiara : It's ok and do come earlier and you know what to do right?

Y/n : Yes and everything will go perfect!

Kiara : Oh I should go now! Byeee!!!

Y/n : Oh ok then byeee!!

*cuts the call*

Tae : Who was it huh?

Y/n : Oh kiara! 

Tae : What was it huh?

Y/n : Tae we totally forgot about the plan which we arranged!

Tae : What plan?

Y/n : That plan (*signals through eyes*)

Tae : Ohhh yay how? How did I forget it huh? Well is today that day?

Y/n : Yesss!!

Tae : Well then I'll start according to our plan (*winks and goes*)

~ After a while ~

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