Episode | 29

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Kaliope and Inola returned to the office triumphant with their spoils. Inola carried the massive safe reduced to a fraction of its size and weight in a magic shroud.

Magic. It solves almost anything.

Gideon and Gale stood inside Ronin's office beside one of Gale's floating monitors. Ronin faced his floor-to-ceiling window away from the two men, hands tucked into his pockets. The women exchanged apprehensive glances reading the somber atmosphere in the other room. They joined their teammates, and Inola positioned the safe by the door.

"What's up?" As she asked Gideon for an update, Kaliope scrutinized Ronin from behind.

Gideon summarized Gale's findings. "Elements unknown gained unauthorized access to the Witcher Registry and overwrote Katerina's original entry."

Inola blanched. The breach of the Tower's Server Room wasn't mere talk, after all.

Gale rubbed his brow as though warding off a headache. "Regular security screenings should red flag ghost glyphs, but these..." He paused, expression distant. Troubled. "These are advanced. Nothing like I've ever seen. Finding them was luck more than skill." The tech mage prodigy wasn't keen on the fact. "Without a full audit, I can't say if they accessed any other files. In the Registry and otherwise."

Kaliope played catchup. "Ghost glyphs?"

"Right." Gideon shifted into lecture mode. "Ghost glyphs are residue imprints from tech magic, like the mark of a charm mage. The only difference is they aren't distinct or traceable. And they have a shelf life of about two to three years."

Three years ago was when Katerina started making a name for herself. So they had an evidence span of three years. Not much to go on for an exact timeline. For all they knew, it was ongoing for years beyond the conception of the current team.

"But guys, how'd they gain access?" Inola's eyes ping-ponged from Gale to Gideon, settling on Ronin. They'd need direct access to the Server Room on-site. It's the most secure level in Sage Tower. Are we saying someone bypassed numerous layers of magical protections, Fox Tech, and Grand Tech Mage level encryptions after sneaking past a squad of elite lycan guards?"

None of the men responded.

Despite her limited knowledge, Kaliope appreciated the level of skill required for the breach. She ranked gaining unauthorized access to the on-record Occult floors as challenging. Accessing the server room was closer to impossible. Though not as close as the others believed.

"Maybe it's an inside job. Who has access to the Server Room?"

Gideon answered Kaliope's question. "Only Assembly members have direct access or details on how the Server Room functions."

"If they're the only ones with access—"

Kaliope flinched when a fuse in the floating screen popped, disabling the display. Gale rounded on her.

"You really know how to run your mouth, don't you? First, you accused Ballister of sabotaging his House. Turns out it's a load of bullshit. As. I. said." Gale glared at Inola and Gideon for emphasis. "And now you're accusing members of the Assembly of what? Records tampering? Treason? Do you ever think before you open your ignorant mouth?"

"Cool it, Gale." Gideon rested a placating hand on his friend's shoulder. "She wasn't accusing anyone. It's a reasonable question."

Gale shoved Gideon and pointed at his friend, unable to form words for his profound emotions, one of which, Kaliope guessed, was betrayal. He curled his finger into his fist, regarding Kaliope with an intense, cold stare. Of course, he'd throw Ballister's case in her face and use it as everlasting evidence he was right about them not needing her on the team. The professor would be proud of her restraint not to rise to Gale's quip.

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