2 (this one is an extra, not H x M)

296 4 37

(3rd Person Pov)

Iman walks across the halls, staring at the (may I say) fugly af Dude, her best friends and her call him Mr. Rabbit. 

She stares at his "handsome face" news flash he's hideous but oh well

She bites her lip, making it almost bleed as she says "THE THINGS ID DO FOR HIS DIC-"

He friends cut her off thankfully, her big mouth can't shut up itself so they do it for her 💅

Unfortunately, Mr. Rabbit heard 🫠

He gives her a look, basically telling her to sthu

But she doesn't take the hint ofc


As she walks through the halls she falls infront of him and says in a overly dramatic voice "I fElL fOr yOu~"

He responds with "The fuck-"

Womp womp

Anyways, she gasps and stands up, she screams at him "I THOUGHT YOU LIKED ME"

He looks down, ashamed of himself "no...I don't"

Everyone gasps

"Who do you like then"

At that moment Mango (Mohammad) pops up, Mr.Rabbit puts a arm around Mangos bony af waist "him"

Everyone gasps again (Tf, colourless people)

Imans eyes tear up, "WHAT?!"

They kiss and Mango nods "it's true"

Iman can't believe it, both of her crushes are dating each other

"And we fucked"


Dee End 💅

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