Wilson x Grandpa/Mohammad

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(3rd Person)

After a long day at school, Wilson was walking back home, tired from tickling kids, but as he was walking home he saw a park

His eyes brightened "Ooo! A park! I can find more little kids to tickle, hehehe"

And with that, wilson (sue me mr. adams) starts to run towards the park, but as he was running he looks behind him as he heard a squirrel in the trees, and Wilson being the little horsey he is, tripped and fell

Wilson braced for impact, squeezing his eyes shut...but it never came

Instead he felt two long sturdy arms wrap around his waist catching him from the fall. Wilson, being a very curious monkey, opened his eyes. He was met by a tall, dark figure, who had hair like Elvis

(Que the K-drama Music)

The figure grins smugly at him "Woah there sweet cheeks, you should be more careful~" Wilson stares into the man's dReAmY black? O R B S, in that moment as they made eye contact and stared at each other, they both knew they wanted nothing more than each other~

The Tall figure leans in very close to Wilson, the tip of his nose touching his, as he looks down to Wilson's lips, he doesn't smile nor smirk, instead he connects his lips aggressively with Wilson's they started to make out aggressively, the figure slammed Wilson into a tree and they continued to make out :)

When they were in need for air, they broke the kiss and stared at each other breathing heavily, the figure smirks at Wilson "Wanna finish this at my place..." "Wilson...my names Wilson" The figure smiles seductively "Wilson~ what a nice name, I'd rather call you mine but both work for me, my name is Mohammad" Wilson's heart beat sped up, Mohammad, Mohammad is the name of his new love~

Wilson nods "Yeah~" and with that, the figure, now we know as Mohammad, lifted Wilson up (let's bffr, in real life he'd never be able to do that 💀) and walked to his place


As they entered Mohammad's place they instantly started to make out again, as they make it to Mohammad's room they broke the kiss and Mohammad stares at Wilson

"Wilson...before we start I have to know, how old are you?" "I'm 12..." Mohammad's O R B S widen "Oh! Well, I hope you're okay with this, you might not see it now, it'll be much easier to see when I shave my face trust me, but I'm a 69 year old man, and I guess pedo now..."

Wilson gasped "You could be my grandpa!"

(Build up)

Mohammad smirks, "Call me Granddaddy then"

And yeah...



Y'all, I know this is a bit short but it was meant to be short or else you would all be more traumatized than you are right now

Irdk why I made Grandpa like this...it had to be done, I was gagging the whole time 👍🏼

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