Abdul x Basil

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(Abdul's Pov;)

I was playing basketball with my friends as always, and my crush...Basil

I know...I know it's wrong, but he makes me feel things

His orange teeth that shines more than the sun, his crusty hands~ 👹

As the recess bell rings we continue to play till the teacher tells us to get in since it's raining, I roll my eyes and grabbed my jacket, putting it on

As I bend down to grab the basketball which was now rolling away I feel a hand slap my ass...👁👄👁

I know many people saw, I turn to see Basil, he's lucky it was him 

I smile at him "what's that for?"

Basil shrugs and I throw the basketball to him, "I don't know, seemed like the right time"

He grins at me and I give him a side smile 🫠

We start to walk in, Basil hugs the basketball to his chest...ThatShouldBeMe-

I clear my throat and flinched a bit, Basil gives me a side eye, shit he must have heard that, did J say that out loud?

"What dude?" Basil asks

My eyes widen and I scratch the back of my sweaty neck "u-uhhh I MEAN THAT, ehm, that should be me as in I should be eating, I'm hungry" I chuckle awkwardly, that seems to work as Basil gives me a side eye and nods "okay dude...?"

I let out a sigh in relief as Basil and I were met by Abdi, he walks over and we start to talk about some random shit

Then the girls from my class, Ahlam, Sumaya, Ahlanca, and Nassrina came up to us, as if they wanted to fight or some shit

This isn't really the time, why the fuck do they always do this?

As Abdi and the others start to annoy them and fight with them, I push through and walked into the lunchroom, everyone gave me a weird look and Basil walked after me "Yo Abdul, don't you wanna-"


He gives me a weird look, but smiles and sits next to me "okay, if you're not gonna do it, I won't either"

I look up at Basil, my heart practically beating out my chest, but all I say is "oh, okay thanks dude" 

if I told him, he'd surely reject me and the others will bully me, I'll have to go to another school- no! Another continent! I'll have to change me name, identity oh my god! What if I have to-

I get snapped out my thoughts by Basil "Abdul? Hellooo? You good?" I look at him and nodded, "yeah. Totally." I gulp, I bet I'm pale as fuck right now "you're really pale Abdul" 

Knew it

I shake my head "nah, I'm fine Basil"

Basil frowns and holds my hand "you can tell me you know..."

I look up at him, my eyes wide, my heart practically beating out my chest, I don't know what's gotten into me, it's as if my heart is controlling me now, not my brain

I don't think, I just do

I kiss him

All you can hear from the lunch room are gasps, screams and shouts

I break the kiss and looked at him "I like you okay?! No actually I fucking love you! It makes me mad when you talk to other people, let them be girls, boys I don't care! I've liked you for so long, I just thought you weren't into boys, but I don't care anymore..."

I look at Basil in plea, please let him like me back

A smile creeps up Basils face "I like you too..."

I was left in shock, wait what?!

Basil pulls me in for another kiss, this time the whole lunch room screams and claps 🌝

We break the kiss and we smile, holding each other's hand and left the lunchroom, together 💕

Tee End


Authors Note;

Y'all Idk what to think

I'm scared, I was too into this that I forgot it was about two dudes from school 🌚🌝

Anyways bye

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