R.I.P ???

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(Iman's Pov; 1st person)

I was sitting in my room, on my phone, watching Jude Bellingham thirst traps, when all of a sudden I get a notification that came quite late

"Huh" I check my discord, maybe someone texting me a couple of hours ago-

When I saw the name pop up on my screen I was left in shock

Mr. Rabbit had messaged me at around 4-5 after school, asking if we could go to the park together...alone


I grab my pillow and scream, why does this always have to happen to me?!

I check the time, 10pm

Time to sleep I guess..

And off I dozed


The next day at school I immediately ran to Eshwa and Dia 


They side eye me "What is it Iman?" Eshwa asks "MR. RABBIT ASKED IF WE COULD GO TO THE PARL TOGETHER ALONE YESTERDAY!!!" Dia gasps "Well did you go?!!!!" I groan "Noo! I didn't see the text, I hope he isn't too sad" I pause and think back "Wait, did any of you guys see Mr.Rabbit?"

They shake their heads "Nope"

I whine "I MISSED MY CHANCE AND NOW THIS?! Whyyyyy" I slam my head against the locker, regretting that immediately after

I get a message on my phone "huh..."

I check it to find some thing from "Mr. Rabbit! He messaged me!" Dia and Eshwa gasp "Well check what it says!" Dia urged

I check it and it was a super long paragraph from Mr. Rabbit. Eshwa frowns "I don't think we have time to read that" I nod "Agreed, let's go"


(Mr. Rabbits pov)

I was lying down on my bed, EMO af

Why did she have to do this to me?!

Does she not love me? I thought she might've...but I guess this just proves she doesn't...she didn't even read my message! 

I walk into the washroom and pretended as if I was in a movie at the sink, I stare into the mirror

"If she doesn't love me...there is no point in life..."


(Iman's Pov)

"Can you guys not say that!" I groan out, annoyed at Eshwa and Dia continuing to stat "Oh! Maybe Mr. Rabbit didn't come because he killed himself!" 

Eshwa shrugs "Could be true" "COULD NOT" I scream back 

Dia laughs "If he did though, good riddance!" 

I gasp at her, but then we stopped arguing when we hear multiple screams and gasps

Eshwa immediately turned around and started to jump "FUCKING SHIT, WE WERE RIGHT"

Dia also turns around "WHAT?" Gasp "MR. RABBITS GONNA JUMP!"

Iman screams "NOO"


(Mr. Rabbits Pov)

I look down at all the people, my friend Emerie? (Idk how to spell his name Iman correct me lmao) was shouting up at me, pleading me to not jump

I don't listen...there's no point in life if my second half doesn't love me...doesn't care about me...

I sigh and looked at her, she seemed as if she was screaming, I chuckle, she looked beautiful even while screaming...sigh (gagging ✌🏻)

I shut everyone up with a small "Shh" everyone looks up at me

I clear my throat "Iman, I always loved you, but as you don't love me back...I don't think there's any point in life..."I get ready to jump, I shout "GOODBYE CRUEL WORL-" 

Iman screams "NO! NOAH, I LOVE YOU!!!" I pause, about to jump, I take a step back "y-you what?"


I was in shock, I chuckle in disbelief "Really?!" Iman nods desperately "Yes! Yes really! Now get down! Please..."

I smile and was about to get down, but when I turn around I bumped into Emerie

I furrow my brows "Emerie? Why are you here?" Emerie shouts at me "YOU CANT LOVE HER! YOU CAN ONLY LOVE ME, AND IF YOU DONT, ILL KILL YOU!" I was in shock, all that came out was a "No" big mistake 

Next moment I knew, I was pushed down, falling, it was nice




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