Requested; Iman x Mr. Rabbit

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AN; I think it's easy to see who requested this 💀 and if you don't know yet, it's Iman shake what ass 🙄

AN; I think it's easy to see who requested this 💀 and if you don't know yet, it's Iman shake what ass 🙄

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Ur welcome Iman 🤧🙄

Anyways, to the dreaded story I don't wanna write 💕


(1st Person; Iman Shake What Ass)

Me and my friends Eshwa and Dia, we're walking upstairs from recess, I, as always, paused us all in our tracks "You guys! Wait!" They frown and turn to look at me "What Iman Shake what ass?" Eshwa asks, quite rudely uGh "Let's wait for my man Ms. sAvAgE" 🙄

Dia groans "Iman! We aren't doing that" I give her a side eye "Why not?" "Because he's ugly"

I gasp, what the fuck does she mean by ugly?! "No he's not! He's the finest man on earth! You fucking blind ass bitch-" and with that I got cut off by Ms. Savage pushing me into something tall, skinny, and smelly, but I like it 🤭🫠

I hear a males voice "Oh!" He stumbles slightly because of how I collapsed into him

I think for some seconds, wait...I know that voice...

I look up to see a bucked teeth person with big perky eyes staring at me, fuckkkkkk


At the realization of that, Eshwa and Dia start to laugh and hurry away

I shout "ESHWA, DIA, I WILL TOUCH YOU GUYS IN PLACES WHERE THE SUN DOESNT SHINE-" I pause mid sentence when I hear someone clear my throat...oh right...

I look up at Mr. Rabbit and chuckled nervously "Uh...hey?" He smiles "Uh're kinda-" I look around "Kinda what?" He clears his throat "Well still on me so-" my eyes widen and I quickly got away from him, I bite my lip in a cringe way and tucked my hair around my ear "Omg, I'm so sorry!" I look down in embarrassment and bit my lip harder

Mr. Rabbit grabbed my chin 😍

"Don't say sorry babygurl~"

My heart stopped...what. did. he. just. say

I gulped "que pasa?" I groan on the inside, why am I speaking Spanish-

He smirks, his teeth sticking out "You heard what I said...babygurl~"

I blink for a long time "One second" I walked into the washroom and started to scream in happiness MY MAN LOVES MEE, HE CALLED ME BABYGURL- but I got cut off when I looked around the washroom

I see Maveen in the washroom, I smirk, she likes Mr. Rabbit, lemme just shove this into her face

"I can't believe NOAH called me babygurl! He even held me and he totally LOVES me" with that Maveens smug grin wiped off her face, like bitch good thing that wiped off ur face go fix ur teeth first!

She exits the washroom angry and I exit it smug and happy, I almost forgot about Mr. Rabbit

Till I bumped into his chest-

I flinch slightly, what the fuck is this fine man doing-

I don't mind

He hold my hands "Iman, I have something to say" I stare into his dreamy O R B S~

He smiles "I like you, like really really like you"

I gasp, he's joking?! Right?! "You're lying-"

I was cut off by lips pressing against mines, he breaks the kiss and says "Does that prove my po-" but he was cut off my a fist slamming into his face, Mr. Rabbit is on the floor

I gasp and turn to the direction of where the punch came from, it was Mango!

Mango growls at Mr. Rabbit "Don't touch her! That's my pOoKiE!" I was in shock MANGO LIKES ME TOO?!

They start to fight each other, I was stunned, both of my crushes, fighting over ME

They both were bruised by how bad they were fighting, a crowd started to gather, I broke them apart "Stop it! Both of you!" They were breathing heavy, both glaring at each other, I think, what to do...

That's when a great idea pops into my mind "Why don't I date both of you?"

They look at me in confusion "Both of us?" Mango asks, tilting his head

I respond enthusiastically "Yes! Both of you!"

They look at each other and shrugged "Sure" they said at the same time, I squealed and locked my arms around them, one arm around Mr. Rabbit, the other around Mango, they did the same to me and we walked away happily ever after~

Tee End~


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