{~CH.2; Respite.~}

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"Hello" {speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
Hello {Narrative}

Papyrus has explained a few things there and there. He told me that Sans used to make puns in the weirdest situations, was an extremely lazy skeleton, and that he loved to go to Grillbys to drink their ketchup condiment.

I must admit.. I almost gagged when I heard he loved to drink ketchup.. Honestly, I don't mind ketchup. But if it's straight out the bottle? Chaotic evil.

Papyrus had also told me to wear 'my' jacket and slippers since he wanted to take a walk around Snowdin in order to jog 'my' memories.

I shrugged at myself before I made my way towards the room the original 'Sans' slept in. Once I made my way inside it, I searched for the jacket to which I found lying on the floor. I grabbed it before sniffing it, making sure that it was clean before I wore it.

My skeletal feet made it's way to the bright pink slippers as I put it on, feeling really comfortable and cozy in the outfit. 'Huh.. No wonder why this 'Sans' wore this.. It's really comfortable to the point I could literally sleep while standing..'

I dozed off a bit before shaking my head as I made my way back downstairs, seeing Papyrus perk up at my short figure with a smile. "LETS GO SANS! THIS WILL PROBABLY HELP YOU REMEMBER! NYEH HEH HEH!"

My heart melted at Papyrus's laugh, feeling really fuzzy inside as I sent him a nod. "Yeah.. I'm snow ready." I could see Papyrus freeze at the pun I made, making me a bit worried.

"Uhh.. You alright Papyrus?" I tilted my head as I placed a hand on his back, looking into the back of his skull as I watched him let out quiet chuckles.

"IT'S JUST THAT.. I MISSED YOUR PUNS." my permanent grin faltered a bit as I just let out a sigh. I Pat his back a few times as he opened the front door as cold wind hit against my face.

I would've shivered if I had any skin, But fortunately for me I don't. I stared in awe at the amount of snow raining down the area as I walked outside, looking at my right side to see that we were in some kind of magical cave.

I watched how the monster residents go on their daily lives as I stared in awe on how magical this place felt. Papyrus walked past me as he signalled me to follow to which I did.

I kept looking around the snowy area as the pearly white snow crunches under our feet. I put my hands in the jackets pockets as my eyes landed on a library named...

"Librarby?" I questioned out loud before chuckling at its misspelling. Papyrus let out a NYEH before turning to look at me. "INDEED. THE OWNER BELIEVED NO ONE WOULD NOTICE." I snorted at that before I looked at papyrus with lazy eyes.

"I-ce." I chuckled out a pun before pointing finger guns at Papyrus who took a while to understand. Papyrus let out a muffled laugh as my grin widened. "You're laughing!"

"IT IS BECAUSE I MISSED YOUR PUNS. BUT PLEASE DON'T DO IT DAILY AGAIN." I gave him a shrug before placing my hands back in the jacket pockets as we went back to walking towards a restaurant. "YOU KNOW.. YOU JUST ACT JUST THE SAME.. MINUS THE MEMORY OF COURSE!"

I stared at the snow we walked on with a saddened gaze. "Yeah.." My mind spiraled into deep thoughts, not really wanting Papyrus to find out about me not even being his brother.

Killed it! {Reincarnated as Killer sans}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum