{~CH.7; Deal.~}

990 72 93

"Hello" {speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
"Hello.." {Dream/Frisk}
Hello {Narrative}

It hurts.

The same dream, It kept happening so many times. The same child keeps killing me in the most brutal ways, either that or they'd torture Papyrus infront of my eyes just to get a reaction out of me only for it all to restart back to my room, the same goddamn pancakes, and same routine, the same dialogs. I'm sick of it.

I could hardly even call it a dream anymore, that kid explained to me it was all a reality, and that they're gonna have so much fun breaking me. Though I didn't believe them. I still believe it's a dream.

'What a sadistic child.'

Also, Some of Sans's memories flowed to me everytime I woke up, showing me the yellow lit judgement Hall with both of them fighting against each other. His pain found a way to transfer to my SOUL, making me bear his pain and suffering.

I never wanted this. All I wanted was to live a new life with my new brother, only for all of that to be stripped away from me because of a stupid human kid.

I cannot even call them human anymore. They were far from human. They were like a demon.

Though, Frisk tried to keep in contact with me, encouraging me then and there about staying DETERMINED.

Im slowly losing HOPE. I've gotten used to the various torments, to which that tormentor was mad about. Which is why they decided to break my legs and let me watch as they torment Papyrus with various sharp objects, never killing him peacefully.

I shivered at the memory, feeling my eye bags grow heavier as my body screamed at me to take a nap or any form of rest, yet I refused. I kept working my body till I felt sore, restless and tired.

It's a curse honestly. Most people say that when they're in a loop, they'd easily break out if it. But not in my case.

Recently I had tried fighting my tormentor in the yellow dimmed Hall Asgore told me was the 'Judgement Hall'. He had also explained that I was the Royal judge, and my purpose was to JUDGE whether or not the humans that pass by are deemed safe or murderous.

Of course it was a dream though.. A shame that I'm still dreaming.

Though I'm starting to hate eating the same pancakes every. Single. Time.

I love Papyrus with all my heart, but I can't take it anymore.

I just want to escape this damn loop.

I want something new.

Not these constant genocide loops.

I want to be able to live my life to the fullest.

But I can't even do that.


The sound of slippers pattering echoed around the halls. I wore the same clothes Sans did without thinking much of it once again.

'It's all a dream.. I'm probably still dreaming right now.. Right? There's no way I'm in a loop.' I kept repeating to myself, hoping to gather any sanity I had left for me to latch onto.

I stood still once I spotted them waiting for me, making my eye lights disappear from how many times I had seen them. "You keep coming back. Why?"

Killed it! {Reincarnated as Killer sans}Where stories live. Discover now