{~CH.8; The Real Run.~}

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⚠WARNING! THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING; Puking, Violence, Slight gore, mentions of panic attacks, Death, some swears, and a really long chapter⚠

"Hello" {speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Shouting}
"Hello.." {Memory}
Hello {Narrative}

They reset. Our Deal was in motion.

I woke up as usual in the same dull lighted room filled with clothes thrown onto the floor. No matter how much I tried to clean this room, the resets had restricted me by moving it to their original places, no longer bothering to clean it up in the end.

I shuffled out of bed, my legs dangling as my eyes trained at the jacket thrown onto the floor as usual just how my routine was. However, this routine will be a bit different than the others.

With weak legs, I propped myself off the mattress, stumbling a bit as my permanent smile faltered due to the breaking deal I had made last RESET, feeling as if my SINS are crawling up my back.

I rolled my shoulders a bit as I walked towards the closet, opening it up to change my clothes into a different attire, no longer wanting to be associated to 'Sans' no longer as I am my own person.

My eyes stopped on a black turtleneck and long pants that seemed comfortable enough. From the corner of my eyes I could spot some shoes that seemed similar to boots. In the closet, there was also a similar jacket to the one I kept wearing but with duller colors and a goldish colored tuft, and some black fingerless gloves.

My full eyes sparkled a bit at the clothes I had picked out, immediately throwing off the clothes I had on to switch it with the ones I had picked. It was comfortable to say the least..

I had finally made a choice of my own that wasn't connected to the name 'Sans'. I felt really.. Hm..

My soul weakly pulsed at the slight happy emotion, though not as usual. The trauma was still fresh, and my coping mechanism is yet to develop.

I decided on teleporting out the house to the purple door that separated Snowdin and the Ruins. Knowing that Chara would appear the following day, I decided to give it a headstart.

I walked on the bridge that had too poles too wide to stop anyone, continuing my walk while spotting a Snowdrake.

My SOUL felt heavy at the thought of me murdering it soon enough. I sucked in a breath, sending a bone for it to impale the back of the Snowdrakes skull.

The bone went through to the other side of their head as it let out a choked gasp. The sight was gruesome, making me look away only to hear the swish of dust a moment later.

Right after it dusted, I felt my SOUL let out a strong pulse, making me feel a tad bit stronger than before. The sudden feeling washed over my bones, making me tense a bit before relaxing.

I subconsciously let out a strained smile, kind of liking the feeling I experienced as I went on to the next monster.

One monster turned into two.. Then to three, four five.. Then ten.

Each time I killed a monster, that pleasant feeling of power returned as I shivered in delight. At the back of my brain, it had tried one final reasoning for me to stop this madness.

But unfortunately, I was too far gone.

I made my way to Snowdin town with my dust coated clothes sticking out like a sore thumb, not bothering to even DUST it out... Heh..

A wide grin was plastered onto my mouth, letting a few hums as bones and blasters shot out to the screaming voices of residents; It felt like music to my ears.

Killed it! {Reincarnated as Killer sans}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora