{~CH.6; Warning.~}

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"Hello" {speaking}
"Hello"  {F-1$k speaking.}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
Hello {Narrative}

Everything was going as usual.

Papyrus had woke up early per his routine, of course I had heard him get ready for the day from across my room, having gotten no sleep.

My mind kept overthinking about the weird Nightmare I had. It seemed too realistic to be one. I kept questioning about that demonic kid and how they dared to even kill my brother.

What even spiraled my head into more thoughts was a grey colored like slash I had across my rib, exactly where the human slashed me at. When I first came to this world, that scar wasn't there.

And so I kept overthinking.
'Was it really a dream?'

I had no answer to that, making me groan from the bed and stare straight into the ceiling, feeling defeated and overly tired. I decided to just shift out of bed to put on my slippers and jacket.

As I put on my slippers, my eyes started to stare at the jacket I kept wearing every single day lying on the floor, feeling a bit disgusted at how I wore the same outfit for several continuous days.

I decided to drag the jacket towards the bathroom that was in my room, throwing the clothes into the laundry basket that was probably there for show. My eyes bore holes at the jacket before it slowly trailed to the shower head.

'A refreshing shower will probably wash away the thoughts.' I shut the bathroom door, making sure to lock it before I immediately threw off my shirt and shorts making sure to also throw it in the laundry basket.

I got in the shower, opening the water as it slowly poured onto my head, feeling my tense body relax a bit under the hot running water.

I let out a relaxed sigh, my mind trailing back to the dream I had. I immediately shook the thoughts off, not wanting to remember how realistic it was to be a dream.

I spent the rest of the shower cooling my thoughts out, also using weird looking shampoo bottles that were good for bones?? No idea how they managed to create that.

I stepped out the shower, feeling refreshed as ever as I decided to wrap a towel around my body. I unlocked the bathroom door, making a straight beeline towards the drawer, opening it to get some undergarments and clothes.

I settled on some comfy looking pants that was probably never used and a simple T-shirt that said 'lazy to the BONE!'.

'Real ironic Sans. I could really see you wearing that.'

I let out a sigh, remembering that I was Sans now, not {Y/N}. I went back to the laundry basket, loading it into the washing machine as I pressed start.

I decided to just wait it out by going out my room to see Papyrus, trying to make sure he was alright again and it was all just a silly little nightmare.

Right after I went downstairs, I smelt the same pancake fragrance I smelt yesterday, confusing me quite a bit. "Wassup paps? Pancakes again? I thought we had that yesterday."

I glanced in the kitchen, seeing Papyrus hum the same song he did yesterday. I settled for the fact that Papyrus probably got the song stuck in his head.

"GOOD MORNING SANS! WELL, I DECIDED TO TRY OUT PANCAKES! ALSO, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YESTERDAY? WE ATE SCRAMBLED EGGS FOR BREAKFAST YESTERDAY." Now it was my turn to be confused. I was pretty positive that Papyrus made pancakes yesterday?

Killed it! {Reincarnated as Killer sans}Where stories live. Discover now