{~CH.5; Bad dream.~}

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"Hello" {speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
"Hello.." {Memory}
Hello {Narrative}

It's been a few weeks since my reincarnation.

What Alphys said was a bit true on her end, since I've been receiving bits of broken memories that belonged to Sans. The memory mostly contained him going to grillby's, making lots and lots of puns, and napping.

Although, one memory that shook me the most was a golden lit Hall, it seemed too eerie for my taste.

But that aside.. Papyrus had tried his best on jogging 'my' memories by occasionally bringing me everywhere he went. And by that I mean to the fish lady's house.

Currently, I'm on my way (with Papyrus) to that Undyne's house. Of course we took a couple of stops around Waterfall since it looked beautiful. 'Waterfall is definitely my new favorite place now.'

I nodded to myself with Papyrus finally turning the corner, stopping in front of a fish like dome with a proud look on his face. "WE'RE HERE SANS!" I gave Papyrus a lazed grin, watching as he knocked on the door.

A few seconds of standing Papyrus moved to the side, making me tilt my head in confusion before the front door was slammed open. "NYAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!PAPYRUS! YOU MADE IT!"

Undyne proceeded to give Papyrus a bear like hug that lasted a few seconds. Once she let go, her eyes travelled behind Papyrus onto me. "Sans! You're here as well!"

"Heh.. Yup." Sure I felt nervous, but I trust Papyrus more than my own feelings. Undyne proceeded to smile widely before wrapping an arm around my neck as she proceeded to rub the top of my skull with a fist.

"YOU GOOF! After I heard what happened I was worried! After all, Papyrus kept weeping for you!" I let out a nervous chuckle, a bit surprised from the action before she let go.

Papyrus let out a whine as blush made it's way to Papyrus's cheeks. "UNDYNE! I THOUGHT YOU WOULDN'T TELL HIM!" Undyne in return just roared out in laughter.

I just elbowed Papyrus softly with a smirk on my face, teasing him as Papyrus crossed his arms while grumbling. "Anyways! What brings you two here?"

Papyrus's blush immediately died down, instead being replaced with a cheery expression. "WELL, I WAS WONDERING IF WE COULD HAVE MY COOKING LESSONS WITH SANS!"

Undynes' face slowly melted into one of apology. She hissed in an apologetic tone while rubbing her nape as she looked to the side. "Ohhh, sorry Papyrus.. I totally forgot. I already made plans to hang out with Alphys today.."

Papyrus just accepted her apology with no struggle, instead looking chirpy as ever. "IT'S OKAY UNDYNE! WE CAN PLAN FOR ANOTHER DAY!"

Undyne nodded before she turned to me, startling me a bit from the unexpected shift of attention. "And Sans? Hope you get better soon you punk! Ya hear me?!"

She sent me a sharp toothy grin to which I replied to one of my own. "Yeah." Undyne shut the door with a slam as I turned my head towards Papyrus. Papyrus turned his heels around as I followed behind.

"BROTHER. HAVE YOU REMEMBERED ANYTHING?" I pondered a bit behind him as the sound of muffled water crashing down was echoing behind us. "Well... Yeah?? Some I guess."

I could see from the corner of Papyrus's mouth widen into a smile. I felt happy inside, feeling the same care I had when I gave my brother everything he needed to survive. I shook off the feeling, feeling the cold air hit us once more as we finally arrived to our snowy area.

Killed it! {Reincarnated as Killer sans}Where stories live. Discover now