Chapter 8 - Picking Up Pieces

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Tay looks around his new room at the alpha dormitory. Everything is in place. His desk all clean, his bed made, his wardrobe all neat. Perfect. He should walk around the campus now to explore.

After that incident, he decided to live in campus where he is sure it won't happen again. He still owns the apartment though, but he might use that for other stuff. Not to sleep with omegas, that's for sure.

Beta, maybe.

But he might have to reconsider that. Considering he has no experience sleeping with betas. And courting them is said to be hard since they cannot detect pheromones so he would have to sweet talk to convince them. It is a lot of work for a mere one-night stand. And he has to prepare the males too. Not to mention some cannot handle alphas in bed so he will have to be extra gentle. He wonders if betas are worth all the extra work.

Maybe, if he is that desperate.

"Urgh so bored." He lies on the bed. He wants to explore but is not in the mood right now. He wants to party, like he always did. Unfortunately, he knows no one and doesn't want to take the risk of encountering another creep while going out alone. The new term starts in a few days so he needs to find something to do to fill his time in the meanwhile.

Meaning he needs to go out after all.

Just as he is opening the door, his next-door neighbour does the same. Talk about good timing.

"Hey. Are you the new guy?" The man asks, his voice gentle.

"I just moved in yesterday. Nice to meet you. Tay Tawan, 1st year medic student."

"Oh, hi Tay! I'm Off Jumpol. Or Sunny. Whichever's better. I'm 2nd year medic. Haven't seen you around campus though."

"I transferred here. I just registered this term." Tay stares at the guy. He has a very bright smile. It is too bright. And the name seems familiar but it could be a common name. He hasn't been in Thailand for a while, he doesn't know what is popular.

"Hey, I knew a Tay Tawan!" Well, that is random. How should he react to that?

"Oh! It's a common name. I think..." Maybe his name is too.

"Is it?" Off Jumpol wonders and looks back at him, thinking about something. "Oh, you need a tour or something? You know the place?"

"Haven't been around yet."

"Wanna join me for a jog?"

Tay considers for a bit. That may be a good idea since he hasn't been exercising since he got here. And he needs a tour. And a friend. So yeah. "Gimme a minute to change."

So, there is a man-made lake near their dorm. Apparently, that is where every student go for a jog since it is surrounded by a mini park. And some other dormitories are located near the lake therefore a lot of people gather here for all sorts of activities. He sees some people on their dates, some playing their guitars while others paint... This is good. He should be able to meet some people here.

"There's our department! And next to it is the university's hospital." Off points out to the tall building located at the very end of the campus. They have been jogging for only 15 minutes so that means that their dormitory is not that far. He should be able to make it to class even if he wakes up ten minutes before, if he runs. "Are you hanging in there?"

"Oh yeah. This is nothing."

"Nice! How bout we go to other part of campus?"

"Lead the way." Tay looks around, making sure to remember some places he found interesting. It would be nice if he can find somewhere isolated to make it his secret hiding place for when he needs to get away from everything. Back in his old university, he would go to the small wood near the campus to sleep. But the park here seems too busy to be his secret place.

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