Chapter 22 - Getting Better

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Both the males are lying on the bed, their breaths the only sound heard. Tay stares at the mop of hair, tracing his fingers, moving the wet fringes away to reveal the wide forehead and the thick, black eyebrows. New has his head on the other's chest, enjoying the movement which almost lullabies him to sleep. There is a soft growl which the omega ignores. Not Tay though. "You hungry?"

New lazily nods and Tay moves a bit so he can sit up. "I'll make us something to eat. Want anything in particular?"

"Ramen." Tay shakes his head, of all the things he can think of, New chooses the one that is unhealthy. Rubbing the latter's head, Tay gets out of bed. He will just have to think of something later.

"I'll shower first. Stay right here okay? Don't throw stuff around." He teases, but New seems to still be in a daze. Another nod and Tay makes himself out of the room. On the bed, lying on his stomach unmoving, New stares into space.

He just slept with Tay. An alpha.

It wasn't as painful as he remembered. He didn't feel any tears, he didn't have any flashbacks. It hurt a bit and he still felt uncomfortable with his wet lower half, but he was okay.

Everything is calm. He no longer had those disturbing thoughts. No more emotional turmoil. He thought he had finally gone mad, that his mind had broken down because he couldn't take his medicine but that was not it. He realized it was the heat.

He remembered Andrew saying that omegas feel extra emotional and want to be touched during their heat. Guess his description is perfect. New just experienced it first-hand.

His mental health wasn't helping him though, it only amplified the effect, much to his dismay.

Now that he thought about it when they first started dating, Andrew called him a few times during his heat crying. The smaller omega used to ask to be with him but New told him to suck it up and get through it himself, in a gentle way though. And Andrew did that.

Because New is such an ignorant jerk of a boyfriend. He couldn't even survive his first three waves alone, he had no right to tell the other to do so. More so when he just slept with an alpha because he is too ashamed to touch himself. He remembered thinking it was his job to do so. He just proved to himself that he is now those omegas that he used to hate so much. He had no dignity. How pathetic of him.

"New. You okay?" Tay's voice woke him from his dark thoughts.


"Go take a shower and meet me in the kitchen later. Shirts and pants are in the closet. Towels on the desk." New gets out of bed and starts his way to the closet before stopping as he feels fluids down his thighs. Looking around for tissues, he grabs a few and starts to wipe himself, completely oblivious to the alpha staring back at him. He hears what seems like a curse but ignores it to focus on his task. Suddenly being lifted, New gasps in shock as he is carried to the bathroom.

"Shit. Sorry. I'll be back. Make sure to clean yourself as much as you can okay? Shit." Tay hands him the shower before taking off the shower head.

"Here. Use this if you need it. Sorry." New doesn't grasp the whole situation but he knows the alpha is preparing to leave again. He is putting on his jeans.

"Are you leaving??!" They already did it. Tay shouldn't leave him!

"Just for a bit."

"Why? What about food? You said-"

"Pharmacy. I need to get some pills for you. I messed up. I didn't know what I was thinking."

"What pills?" New stares at the alpha, holding his hand to stop him from going out the door. He doesn't want to be left alone again, even for a bit.

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