Chapter 36 - New Lifestyle

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Running back up to his apartment, he looks around, anxious to find his mate. To his relief, as he opens the bedroom door, there New sits, on the bed, hugging the pillows. His pheromones calmed down a lot, almost unnoticed. There is only a slight sadness which he can barely sense, but he is fine. Still breathing, and reacting to his presence.

Tay takes a seat beside the omega. "Hey."

"You came back." New pulls the pillow closer to himself, hiding his face, "This smells just like you…" he takes a light sniff from the pillow, an action Tay finds a bit touching, "I thought you finally left for good."

"I shouldn't have left you like that…"

"No, I was too much. I know it's hard to have a broken mate like me. I'm sorry I'm like this." Tay gently pats New's back, massaging his neck while shaking him. He is expecting New to cry again, already preparing himself to comfort his partner but instead, the man turns towards him, studying him. Tay doesn't know how to react, what face to make. He is nervous and stiffens, afraid that New might read his thoughts, whatever it is and realizes how messed up he is. However, contrary to his prediction, New's face softens a bit and he gives the alpha a small smile which the latter returns, relieved.

Tay places his hand onto New's, rubbing them softly, "I just realized you finally said sorry for slapping me." He grins at New, "Thought you'll never do it."

Seeing New pulls his face away in shame, Tay closes their distance and lies on his side, facing his partner. With one of his hand playing with the other's feet, the alpha suggests, "We should set the rule for our talk. Not to get too emotional and worked up."

"Agreed. We never talk calmly." New stares at the alpha, his mouth pursed, thinking. "I don't wanna have to slap you again."

"I don't wanna leave you like this again. I kinda feel bad." He replies, noting the calm expression on New. "And by the way, you slapping me was your fault."

"You kinda pushed me." New retorts to which Tay scoffs.

"You need to control your hand too. Your slap fucking hurts."

"Rule number two, no physical violence. There." New interrupts before the alpha can continue his whining, feeling guilty. Tay gives a look at the older and nods. Though he knows New was talking about his own prior outburst, he cannot help but think it was directed at him and his possible future violence. Because he knows he has a tendency to act with his hands. Hopefully it will not come to that. He will make sure of it.

Caressing New's cheek, Tay gets up and moves towards his drawer beneath the desk. He remembers buying something special when New left him hanging after their first heat together. It meant nothing then, but it finally found its use now. Getting up with the small white box in his hand, Tay returns to his sit on the bed.

"I bought this last year. When I was crazy about you." He glances at New, half teasing, smirking as he sees the omega roll his eyes playfully, "They're supposed to be couple rings, but I guess we can wear them as wedding rings now."

At least there will be proof that he is taken despite not carrying his mate's scent. He hopes this will keep other suitors away and ease his hatred even just a bit.

"Why would you buy a couple rings when we weren't talking?" New rests his head on Tay's shoulder, staring at the simple rings inside the box. By simple, he means really simple. The only pattern is the TN sign carved on the surface, and the indent on the edge of the ring, barely seen at first glance. It is actually really pretty.

"You didn't actually reject me then. You even asked me to hang out on campus."

"Oh, yeah." New takes one of the ring and inserts his middle finger in it, changing to his index and repeats with his right hand, finding the ring too big. "But you're a bit creepy."

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