Chapter 27 - Dreadful Curiousity

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"Urgh…" Opening his eyes, Tay throws the pillow away and rubs his eyes with his right hand, his head hurt from over-thinking. He tried to distract himself the only way he knows how - study, but how the hell should he learn when he couldn't get enough sleep to concentrate in class, and enough focus to revise back in his room? Why does this have to happen to him? Why did something this complicated had to be thrown on top of all those things?

Assault? Forced-mating?

He really feels like hitting something right now. Anything would be great. If he can just break a glass or two, kick the desk to pieces, he might feel better. For god's sake, he thought he finally had a break! After chasing New for for months, he thought things were going to move forward smoothly for them! He even made New promise to hang out with him more after the break! Just, why??

Sighing, the young alpha gets up and opens the fridge, drinking the cold water to calm himself. Reducing his body temperature will do that, because he cannot seem to convince himself to do it naturally. He really needs to see his therapist, or he will start hurting himself again.

A few minutes passed with him just closing his eyes, leaning against the fridge and focusing on the soft vibration of the machine, the sound so close to a purr it helps him relax. Releasing a long breath, Tay gets up and moves to his desk to stare at the sky. His head is in a mess he needs an escape.

Fuck. This is almost impossible. The memory of them hiking suddenly pops up in his head - New offering him that piece of bread, the blue sky above him, looking like an angel. "Dammit!!!"

Hitting his fists on the desk, Tay bumps his head a few times before grabbing a fistful of hair. Now he remembers how scared the omega was when he followed him to the woods, how he was taking steady steps backwards, ready to run with every step Tay took towards him minutes before he asked to tag along.

New was already claimed back then! He was claimed a year ago.

"I'm bonded with someone. I didn't know who... I do now."

"They hurt me. It hurt so bad... I don't want them... please..."

"It's okay if it's you... Te. I want it to be you..."

"I hate alphas. You're okay."

"You're okay."

"Shut up. Shut up!! FUCK!!!" Realizing he is screaming to no one, Tay grabs his bag and takes out something he never thought he would have to take again – anti-anxiety pills. He really doesn't want to, but he is desperate. Too desperate. He feels like running away right now. Settling with half a pill, Tay closes his eyes and rests his forehead on the desk, taking slow, rhythmic breath to aid the effect.

One year ago…

He was drugged and blacked out a year ago…

But he didn't bond with anyone. Chris assured him nothing happened. His family didn't notice anything different with him except for the random aggression which they thought was caused by him trying to adapt to his new life. He would have already been killed by his grandmother if he mated without her approval.

Which can only mean...

Tay lets out a soft laugh. He knows what this is. What he had thought earlier during New's heat - the pack's amateur plan to extort money from him. They are probably planning to threaten him later with police reports to blackmail him. Which is stupid and it is almost funny.

The only ones accusing him with marking New are his friends, without any proof nonetheless. They even gave him a stupid excuse as to why Tay didn't carry New's scent with him. One-sided bonding? What the hell is that supposed to mean? New couldn't control his scent? He was a new omega when they spent their heat together. It is not possible for him to be an omega a year ago and have his first heat a few weeks ago.

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