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I was very nervous at the promotional centre filled with celebrities. I was truly delighted when I met Mr. Dhruv. He seemed like a well spoken person. He even complimented my smile. Seems like he is used to saying such things to his co stars that he ended up saying it to me.

I never believed in love. There was a time that I used to, but not anymore. I felt that whatever people called love was just infatuation. It was mere attraction. After marriage, not even once have I seen a happy couple. They always have problems and difficulties in accepting each other as they are. For me, love meant to accept each other as they are and appreciating it. I lost the belief that even true love exists after a point. Love at this day is simply gibberish.

As I was about to assign the other members with their tasks, Ananya pulled me aside and asked
"Damn! THE Dhruv Kapoor just complimented your smile! How do you feel?" She asked.

"Well he seemed pretty well spoken. He sounded very polite with the compliment." I said bluntly.

Though I did like Dhruv Kapoor as an actor and I was excited to work with him, I knew to keep my personal feelings aside. My professional mode was on. I didn't get why Ananya was making that a big deal, but I just let the matter go and decided to focus on my work.

After assigning the other members with their tasks, me and Ananya were discussing as we were walking when suddenly someone bumped into Ananya.

I wasn't sure who he was, but he seemed familiar. He was walking backwards while raising his arms.

"Hey! Watch where you're go---" Ananya shouted but suddenly paused.

"Oh I'm sorry! Are you okay mam?" the guy asked apologetically.

When I turned around, I saw Ananya literally not even moving. She was simply staring at him. I had no idea what happened to her but it was like someone glued her eyes to his face. I elbowed her a bit to bring her back to her senses.

"O-oh yeah, I'm fine sir." She replied to the guy.

The guy smiled at her and said "You seem to have a lot of temper. You should look around when you're walking as well." He said in a polite way. Or atleast he tried to.

"Oh okay sir." Ananya replied. She didn't seem happy with his little advice.

Then he looked at me.
"Oh hello! You're the makeup artist from Tamil Nadu right? Akanksha Manoj? I'm Aayush." He said.

Aayush. Now I knew who he was. Aayush Varma, Dhruv's bestfriend.

"Nice to meet you sir." I replied smiling.

Someone called me again for the makeup, so I dragged Ananya with me.

"Who is he?! He's handsome! Totally my type!! But what's with his attitude?" Ananya whispered in my ear with a tinge of disappointment and anger.

Annie was not into Bollywood movies. She knew only Dhruv as she watched a movie with me and became a fan of his. From her response, I could tell that she didn't know Aayush. No matter how I looked at Aayush, he didn't look handsome to me. He seemed to be funny and hyperactive, but not my type.

"Handsome? AND, you call yourself a fan of Dhruv sir? He's Mr. Dhruv's bestfriend, Aayush Varma." I said.

I've known Akanksha for almost 5 years now. Unlike her, I've been interested in dating. I didn't want to die single like her. I dated a few guys in college but we mostly broke up in like a few months. It was never serious. It was more like a fling.

When I was busy with the discussion with Akshu, I bumped into this guy. I felt an urge of excitement and mesmerization when I met his eyes. He was totally my type.

But all of that broke down with that little advice he gave. He probably tried to sound polite but he wasn't. Couldn't he just say "Sorry, I'll make sure to look around next time." and shut up after that? What's with that attitude? He just met me and started talking about my temper. Ugghh.

I went in with Akanksha to Mr. Dhruv's makeup room and saw him sleeping on his chair.

 Dhruv's makeup room and saw him sleeping on his chair

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To be continued....
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