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"It's me, Prithvi." Ram said as Yashasvini tried to push him away.
She stopped as soon as she heard his real voice.

"Prithvi?" Yashasvini asked as she pushed away his hand from her mouth.

She dragged him to an empty room nearby.

"What were you doing in the king's room?" Yashasvini asked.

"I came searching from you. Was this your strategy? Making Vidhurak fall in love with you?" Ram asked. His tone was subtly annoyed.

"Well I wasn't expecting it but he seemed to like me so I took up the chance practically." Yashasvini answered.

"Are you a puppy that you took up the chance when he SEEMED to like you? He was literally getting intimate with you! Doesn't it bother you?" Ram shouted in anger.

"What's your problem if he gets intimate with me?! We need to take the risk, whether I'm comfortable or not." Yashasvini yelled back.

She's not wrong. Why did I snap when I saw Vidhurak trying to force himself on her?

"Still, don't take the risk of doing things that make you uncomfortable. Getting Vidhurak to personally close can be beneficial, but it's not worth your self respect. What if he does something to you?!" Ram snapped.

Did he just worry about me?

"Fine. I understand your worry as my friend, but I can't really do anything until I find her. I need to get close to Vidhurak so please understand." Yashasvini said.

"This person, is Vidhurak holding her captive?" Ram asked, becoming more calm.

"Yes." Yashasvini replied briefly.

"Anyways, we need to get to the library as soon as the celebrations begin to go intensely. Have you found the exact location of the blueprint?" Ram asked.

"Not yet. I just found the rough location. The blueprint is hidden in one particular section of the books. I heard that it will stand out. We need to find it." Yashasvini replied.

Dhrithiman came right on time.

"Good timing Dhrithiman. I need you to search the palace for someone." Ram said.

"What's her name?" Ram asked, turning back to Yashasvini.

"Anagha." Yashasvini replied stunned. She wasn't expecting him to help her.

"But, the blueprint--" Yashasvini stopped when Ram interuppted.

"The two of us are more than enough for it."

"What should I do when I find her?" Dhrithiman asked.

Ram turned to Yashasvini and waited for her reply.

"Find her and tell her this 'The uncertain prophecy triumphs.' " Yashasvini said.

Neither Ram nor Dhrithiman understood what it meant, but they knew that it had some significant meaning.

"Okay I'll search for her then." Dhrithiman informed and left.

Soon, within a few hours, the celebrations of the day one began.

The entire city was decorated well. Flowers hung around the city, filling it with it's sweet fragrance. The vivid colours of clothes looked beautiful. Lanterns flew across the dark sky. Food stalls were filled with people. Dance and street performances occurred at the main bazaar. Kings from several other kingdoms came for the celebrations.

As it became darker, Ram and Yashasvini decided to sneak inside the library. They were standing at the front of the library when they realised that it was locked.

"They must've locked it due to the celebrations. What do we do now?" Ram asked.

Yashasvini took a hairpin from her hairbun and opened the lock. The two went inside the library and closed the door behind them.

The library was dark and dusty, like no one had read books from there in years.
The moonlight shined through the window, giving some visibility inside. Fortunately there was a small lamp, bright enough to read a book when kept nearby.

"Tell me the truth. Just how experienced are you in thieving? How can you break the lock so quickly?" Ram asked looking at Yashasvini as she took the lamp. The warm yellow light made her face glow. If she had stayed still, Ram might have thought her to be a wax statue of beauty.

"I am not a thief. And just because I'm stealthy and skilled, it doesn't mean that I use it only for bad purposes. Just because you're suspicious, does it mean that you're a bad person?" Yashasvini growled at Ram.

Ram gave an upside down smile, appreciating her answer. She did have a point. It did apply to his case.

The library had very tall shelves. Yashasvini and Ram looked around together, going through each column of the majestic library.

Suddenly, Yashasvini stopped. The whole library seemed untouched except one book with no dust on the highest shelf. Ram caught up with her as soon as he saw the book as well.

Ram was extremely tall, around 190cm. He tried to reach the book which seemed easy but he couldn't. He had a small gap that couldn't help him reach. There was no way that Yashasvini could reach it, as she was way shorter than Ram, around 175cm.

"Why is there no ladder in this library if the books are located so high?" Yashasvini said as she looked around but didn't find one.

"They probably took it out for the decorations." Ram suggested as he remembered someone getting a ladder from the library.

"What do we do now?" Yashasvini asked, now standing beside Ram.
Ram thought for a minute.

He suddenly turned to Yashasvini and held her shoulders with his hands, turned her towards him and pulled her closer. Yashasvini flinched for a minute, her eyes widening.

"About earlier, you called me your friend. Did you mean it?" Ram asked.

"If we aren't friends, then what are we? I felt more comfortable with friends rather than partners because we're helping each other out, and we have protected each other as well, so I thought.. " Yashasvini answered, surprised by his question out of the blue.

"Then can this friend lift you?" Ram asked.

The two froze.

"Uh?" Yashasvini asked, trying to digest what he was asking.

"If we need to reach the book, we can't do it on our own. There's no ladder too. If I lift you, we can reach the book then." Ram suggested.

Yashasvini looked around a little shy and embarrassed. But she was fixed with her mission.

"May I?" Ram asked politely, as they gazed into each other's eyes in the moonlight and both their faces glowed crystal clear.

"May I?" Ram asked politely, as they gazed into each other's eyes in the moonlight and both their faces glowed crystal clear

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To be continued....
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