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With each passing day, Dhruv got to see a new side of Akanksha. She had begun to smile and laugh more. She spoke more casually to Dhruv. She started to become more expressive. The two gradually developed a silent friendship.

Most of the shoot occurred in the forest. That day, the shoot was for a song that would be featuring in the movie.

Akanksha got Dhruv ready and both the leads were ready for the shot.

The scene was for the male lead to look at the female lead from behind her and the female lead turning towards him.

"Ready, and action!" The director said on the mic.

Akanksha was watching the shot with Aayush and Ananya by her side from a distance.

Dhruv walked you from behind a tree and walked towards the female lead. Suddenly, Dhruv stopped. He blinked hard. He collapsed right on spot.

Akanksha was the first one to lunge forward and rush to attend an unconscious Dhruv. Akanksha tried to wake him up but he didn't. All the members immediately took Dhruv in a stretcher to his room.

As Akanksha went with Dhruv, she wasn't sure but for a second, she felt like Director Neelam smiled at the incident like his deed was done. But Akanksha didn't have time to think about this. She was more worried about Dhruv at the moment.

When Dhruv woke up, Akanksha, Ananya, Aayush, the producer, and Direvtor Neelam were pacing into the small caravan room back and forth. Dhruv woke up and sat. All of them came to attend Dhruv.

"Are you okay?" Akanksha asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Dhruv replied with a smile.

"Yo bro! How'd you fall unconscious like that so abruptly?" Aayush asked.

"Probably cause of exhaustion. I didn't get enough sleep." Dhruv lied

I can't tell anything to anyone yet. I first need to understand what this is. Why did the woman in my dream appear at thay moment?

Dhruv initially thought of it as a dream but in the shoot, it felt like a déjà vu. Even though Dhruv acted well enough to convince, Aayush didn't miss the confusion in Dhruv's eyes.

Director Neelam smiled at Dhruv with his hands folded.

"You should take rest for a while Dhruv. We can shoot again tomorrow. Pay attention to your health for now." He said.

"Sorry for the inconvenience sir. Thank you for understanding." Dhruv answered politely. He was grateful for the director to give him the day off.

Akanksha looked at Director Neelam. She wasn't sure if it was real or she had imagined it. Akanksha had immense respect for the well spoken director but his calm and composed smile made Akanksha suspicious.

The director and the producer left the room.

"You sure you okay?" Ananya asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. If you guys don't mind, I would like to take a nap." Dhruv replied. He was hoping to look at the face of the woman again in his dream.

As soon as Dhruv closed his eyelids, within minutes, he fell asleep. But this time, he didn't have that dream.

Dhruv woke up with disappointment.

Ughh! It never comes to me when I need it!

While returning back, Dhruv remained silent. He only answered when he was asked questions. Akanksha and Aayush noticed that. They decided not to ask anything for the moment. They had a silent agreement.

Back at the room now, both Aayush and Dhruv freshened up.

"Is something bothering you Dhruv?" Aayush asked.

"No, why?" Dhruv replied with a straight face.

Aayush could tell that it was a white lie. He decided not to ask further. He knew Dhruv that much.

"Do you believe in dreams?" Dhruv asked to Aayush after a while of silence

"What do you mean by that?" Aayush asked puzzled.

"I mean, do you believe that dreams may not just be dreams, but a message?" Dhruv asked. He was open to all ideas at the moment.

"Well, I wouldn't say that for sure. I've heard a lot of psychological researches about this, like, if you can remember the dream, then it might be a message. Why?" Aayush replied.

"Nothing. I was just thinking of something." Dhruv replied and cut the conversation. Aayush didn't speak further either.

He went on his phone and searched up in the net and read about psychological dreams. He even read mythological beliefs from every religion based on dreams. Some said that it meant that death was near. Some said that it was a message to be applied in life. So many different ideas just confused Dhruv more.

However, one article caught his eye. A hindu mythological concept of dreams being memories of past life.

Past lives? Do they exist?

Meanwhile, Aayush met with Akanksha secretly.

"Did he say anything?" Akanksha asked.

Aayush nodded as a no.

"But he asked me something about dreams." Aayush said.

"Dreams? What does that have to do?" Akanksha asked.

"I'm not sure. I just answered and he cut the conversation." Aayush replied.

"Aayush. There's something that's been bothering me." Akanksha said.

"I'm listening. What happened?" Aayush asked.

"This might sound strange. I have immense respect for Director Neelam. He is a very well spoken and well mannered man who stays calm and composed at every situation." Akanksha replied.

"What does this have to do with Director Neelam?" Aayush thought.

Akanksha glanced at Aayush like she read his mind.

"I'll come straight to the point. When Dhruv collapsed today, and we were moving him in the stretcher, I'm not sure if I imagined it, but I felt like Director Neelam smiled." Akanksha revealed.

"So?" Aayush asked cluelessly. He didn't get why him smiling was a big deal.

"He didn't even seem slightly worried. He looked at the events and gave a different kind of smile."

"What kind of smile?"

"A smile of achieving something." Akanksha replied.

"So, what do you suggest?" Aayush asked.

"Let's keep an eye on Director Neelam starting from today." Akanksha replied.

" Akanksha replied

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To be continued...
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