Chapter 20: The Cave Queen

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Spaceman Long follows Chief Grey as the team marches carefully across the last subterranean lake via one of the narrow slivers that occasionally peaks high and then dips as low as a foot below the water. The water itself is extremely deep, measured by Rena tossing a rope with a stone tied to it, and not finding bottom beyond the drop off, which is about three feet out on each side.

Long has Chief Grey's shotgun cradled firmly to her chest, ready to use to the best of her ability at a moment's notice. She cherished his faith and guidance, both of which give her hope that she'll live up to her duty. She could never imagine doing something as dangerous and knowledgeable as exploring a far away world when she was still living with her parents. They treated her better than Angelica, but they still sheltered her.

Grey and Angelica are protective, but more like mother bears; close by to fight, but not preventing her from experiencing the world herself. Now, she's in a low-oxygen cave on an alien world exploring entirely new things as a marine. She is scared, nervous, and a little overwhelmed, but she is proud to be a part of it.

Mina asks from the rear, "How far are we planning on going Chief? This aquifer alone is huge."

Tachibana replies from close to the front, "Hopefully, another stable zone exists on the far side. But, if we reach an hour fifteen, we turn back."

Rena teases, "Ensign Hancock, request number seven hundred and ten; more than 3 hours air."

Hancock scoffs, "What am I? The wishlist for Doc Lopez?"

All of the senior marines reply, "Yes."

Hancock chuckles, "Noted."

The marines press forward. They are deep under the roof of the cave, now, and a haze lays heavy in the air. Liquid drips around them, echoing long and deep from the size of the cave.

Moody stops and kneels, inspecting something on the path. The squad comes to a halt. Tachibana asks, "Moody? What is it?"

Moody picks up the object, saying, "Metal. Armor plate, looks like. And... a regulator? Helmet piece?" He hands the piece over to Chief Tachibana. She inspects it, rotating it over.

She remarks, "Could be. Cracked wide open if it was."

Dumas asks, "Think it belonged to our pal back there?"

Tachibana passes it back to Grey, replying, "Him or one of his kind seems to be a fair thought to me."

Grey inspects it, holding it at a better angle when he spots Long trying to peek. He says, handing it off to the young marine, "Same material, at least. Question is, why would they need it?"

There's a pause. Long asks, "You... think this isn't their world?"

Grey replies as he looks up, "Be pretty rough if most of your world was unlivable. Doesn't make sense how a race could make it through the primitive stages to the point of breathing protection without succumbing to famine in these holes. And, something nagged at me from the moment we landed." He looks at Fredericks, saying, "We joked earlier, but... what if this world suffered the same fate as Earth?"

Tachibana, surprised, replies, "WHAT!? Earth was destroyed by OUR rulers. You think..."

"I don't think it was natural, whatever the case may be. I think the roaches invaded, lost a few, took what they came for, and bounced."

Fredericks counters, "If that's true, then where are the structures? Where are the bodies of the natives? Someone must've killed Roachie back there."

Grey nods, "Could still be a stalagmite."

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