Chapter 25: Thing Three on Companion Duty

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Spaceman Long carefully cuddles with her water bottle in bed, sleeping in. It's her day off, or 'holiday routine'; an Earth Navy tradition the Captains have shown no desire to stop. For almost 24 hours, she's free to do whatever she wants with her time. And, sleeping in is the biggest bonus.

However, it serves another purpose. It's been tricky hiding the contents of her water bottle, as well as the fact she's been religiously carrying it close to her body. She and Angelica are still sharing a bed, and Little Bird can be incessantly curious if she spots something.

Fortunately, Chief Grey hasn't even hinted at its existence since he confronted the teen, though, his very sight makes her feel guilty. She WILL tell Angelica, but she's trying to figure out how. As Captain, her older sister is often quite busy. More than that, though, Jessica is afraid Angelica will order her to turn the egg over to the scientists.

But, she can't do it. The tiny little creature inside is showing signs of development. She's growing into the little princess she's destined to be. And, it's thanks to Long's hard work. She's successfully doing as well as the incubators. Her embryo still looks like a jelly bean, mostly, like the others, but it's come a ways since being an amorphous jelly filling.

Once the suite is clear of everyone else, Jessica starts her day. She eats the toast Grey left out for her, carrying her precious cargo at her lower chest all the while. She hums warmly, trying to match the tune of the Queen's song, even though her pitch is totally different.

Later, Jessica watches the basic broadcasting channel on the suite television. Someone managed to bring a harddrive onto the ship loaded with pirated movies. The irony is, the few hundred movies that person brought may be the only surviving movies in existence. So, the ships each have a small server running a scheduled loop of some movies, which will rotate weekly.

The teen finds it humorous that the one positive of everything is that she can finally watch movies for free without any advertising. The hardest part, though, is the lack of snacks. Or rather, the severe rationing on 'non-essential foods'. But, the gardens are catching up a little. Already, with just the addition of the Gaia, the meal rations have increased by almost a fifth. And, construction of another starliner is already well under way.

Long laughs while watching the currently-playing romantic comedy. She cradles her bottle as she giggles, still focused enough to keep it warm. She won't let her princess or the Queen down.

As the movie changes to a kid's movie, Long mostly ignores it, saying to the bottle, "You know, I should probably think of a name, huh? Is it too early? Nah! Look at you! You're doing great! Little cutie!"

The little jelly bean is rather uneventful. And, it's not much to look at. But, it makes Jessica smile anyways. Someday, she'll be an adorable little alien with an intelligent mind, boundless curiosity, and a lovely singing tone.

The door whooshes open, and Jessica instinctively covers herself –and the bottle- to hide. She squeaks, "Sorry! I'll make myself decent!"

No one replies at first. Instead, something flops onto the bed next to her. She peeks out from the cover. It's Chief Grey.

What he tossed onto the bed looks like an under-arm holster for a gun, but instead, more simply a rigid-framed pouch of some kind. It has bands to sling across the chest and hold its cargo at the ribs under the wearer's arm. When she looks back at him, Grey growls, "You waiting for it to hatch before you tell you-know-who?"

Long pouts, looking down, "I thought about it, Chief..."

"You tell her today, and you can have that."

"What is it?" she asks.

"Far sight better than a water bottle. Easier to protect and conceal, and it won't hinder your movements so much."

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