6. "Dad..?"

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"What are you doing.." Alastor mumbled as Lucifer lay beside him on the couch. "Going to sleep." He replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

"Is there .. something you'd.. rather do?" Lucifer teased as he watched Alastors face turn red. "N-no!" he stuttered and turned away from him as he grabbed his unfinished beer from the floor, and drank the remains of it.

It seemed that was all Alastor needed to get him going again. he sprang up and lucifer watched with concern. "Alastor? What are you doing?" he asked softly.

"i loooovvvee youu lucii" Alastor murmured as he collapsed back on the couch.

Lucifer was stunned at his sudden 'confession' and didnt know how to respond. "No you dont Al.." he quickly replied.

"yesssss i doooooooo" "imm telling you noww beeecause iii wouldd be too scareddd to whenn im soooberr" he clarified. looking up at Lucifer he added.. " I really do"

"Alastor.. you're drunk.. clearly way too drunk" Lucifer continued and tried to stand up when Alastor stopped him. "Stay.. Pleasee??" Alastor sighed.

"Alright.. but don't hate me for this in the morning." Lucifer replied with a soft smile forming on his face.

The two of them lay there, mostly silent until Alastor turned to lucifer and snuggled into him, "What are you doing Al.." Lucifer asked, "Shut up.." Alastor mumbled. "Yes sir." Lucifer replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

*The fuck are you doing Lucifer!! he's gonna kill you when he wakes up!!* Lucifer thought to himself whilst Alastor drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Lucifer put his hand on Alastor's head, gently
playing with his hair and ears. He softly chuckled when he heard Alastor's soft snores filling the room.

An hour or so passed, Lucifer didn't dare to disrupt Alastor as he looked so.. peaceful. His snores eventually stopped and Lucifer managed to fall asleep as well.

Not long after Lucifer had fell asleep, his body jolted awake when he heard a knock at the door, "Alastor! Alastor!" Lucifer whispered urgently, "what.." Alastor groaned in response. "Get up!!" He demanded and Alastors eyes widened as he saw a light coming through the now open door.

"Shit!" Alastor mumbled as Charlie walked in, Lucifer quickly jumped up.

"Dad..?" Charlie muttered as she turned the light on and saw Alastor still on the couch that Lucifer stood next to, "Oh.. OH!!" she said with her jaw dropped.

"Charlie!" Lucifer growled as Charlie ran out.

"FUCK!!" Grumbled Lucifer as he glared at Alastor, who was too hungover to figure out what had happened.


Sorry if this is cringe 😭
im genuinely just typing what comes to mind because i luv writing

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