introduction 2

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Kim Tae hi
Parents: king kim sowon and queen kim Rosalia
Height: 5"4
Age: 18
She is a princess of the fairy kingdom (I just used this name) she is the most beautiful princess in all kingdoms she is so beautiful like an angel. She is so kind, sweet, and totally innocent . In her kingdom everyone loves her so much. Cause of her kindness. She loves flowers so much. Her crown is made with flowers and she loves her parents so much.

Kim sowon
King of the fairy kingdom and he is a very cold person but for his family he is very sweet and soft. He loves his daughter and his princess so much. He can do anything for his princess smile.

Kim Rosalia
Queen of fairy kingdom she is such a kind and sweet person. She loves her king and princess so much. She always helps the poor people .

Kim sowon and Jeon Jowon are both very close friends . they are both like brothers and they always stand for each other. And even both Queens are also the same like sisters both kings and queens bond is very strong. Their 6 princes also know about them they called kim king and queen's omma and appa. And kim king and queen's also love their princes so much like they are theirs second mom and dad. But they don't know about princess cause they always busy with their trainings. But king jeon jowon and queen somi know about princess and they are both love princess so much like own child. And princess also knows about her omma Jeon somi and appa jowon. She also loves them so much . But she don't know about 6 princes.

And both kings and queens promised each others that they will be change this friendship in relationship.

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