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Sorry, I totally forgot to post this.

- Ishiwara


Day 18 Month 1 Year 1640 Central Calendar

The Parpaldia Empire initiates an invasion of the Kingdom of Fenn, capturing Nishinomiyako on the same day. 13 Japanese tourists who had secretly entered the country were detained.

Day 19 Month 1

An incident of massacre of Japanese tourists, led by a member of the imperial family, Remille, occurs. Despite attempts to coerce Japan into submission by holding the tourists hostage, diplomatic refusal and protests enraged the perpetrators, leading to their immediate execution.

Day 28 Month 1

The Japanese government demands surrender from the Parpaldia Empire. Facing refusal, Japan declares war. On the same day, a battle in the Kingdom of Fenn occurs to rescue the surviving Japanese nationals.

Day 29 Month 1

The Parpaldia Empire declares a war of annihilation on Japan.

Day 5 Month 2

The Battle of Altaras Island takes place. The Parpaldian forces in Altaras are annihilated by attacks from the National Defense Forces.

Day 6 Month 2

Due to an uprising among the local populace, the occupation government of Altaras surrendered. The Kingdom of Altaras achieves successful independence.

Day 29 Month 3

With the completion of renovations at the Rubile Airport in Altaras, preparations for the deployed Air Defense Force are finalized.

Day 30 Month 3

The air strike on Esthirant resulted in the total destruction of the Imperial Capital Defense Force base. At the same time, the main Parpaldian fleet and the naval headquarters are annihilated in the Battle of Esthirant.

Day 10 Month 4

The defense base and industrial zone in Duro are destroyed by airstrikes.

Day 11 Month 4

Coastal defense forces intercepted the advancing Duro Defense Fleet intended for the attack on Maizuru, sparking the Battle of the New Sea of Japan. The Duro Defense Fleet is completely annihilated.

Day 15 Month 4

Following the withdrawal of colonial occupation forces, all colonies rise up in response to incitement through broadcasts by Queen Lumies via radio, resulting in the Parpaldia Empire losing all its colonies. With the assistance of the Kingdom of Riem, a coalition of 73 nations is formed, declaring war on the Parpaldia Empire.

Day 25 Month 4

The coalition of 73 nations and the Rieman forces invade Aruni.


Prime Minister's Office, Japan

On this day, more than three months after the start of the war, the leading members of the government, including the Prime Minister, were gathered for the final confirmation of policies regarding the post-war situation with Parpaldia.

"It was quite a wake-up call..."

The first topic discussed was about the Parpaldian fleet nearing the Japanese mainland.

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