Chapter 9 - The World in Motion

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I attempted to write the extent to which each country perceives Japan before the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference.

- Ishiwara


Day 20 Month 9 Year 1640 Central Calendar

The Kingdom of Emor sends an envoy to Japan for the purpose of diplomatic negotiations.

Day 1 Month 11

The Holy Mirishial Empire sends an envoy to Japan. After an inspection tour, they request participation in the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference.

Day 1 Month 12

The Holy Mirishial Empire dispatches an envoy to the Gra Valkas Empire. They request participation in the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference at the Leifor Branch Office.


Day 25 Month 11

Runepolis is the capital of the Holy Mirishial Empire, the renowned strongest great power of the world. This city, known as the "Magical City that Never Sleeps," boasts skyscrapers reaching 300 meters high, rivaling the great cities of the old world in its development. At its center lies Albion Castle, the residence of the nation's head of state, Emperor Mirishial VIII. However, a slight commotion was occurring within this castle.


"No, no, no, even if such an absurd report is submitted..."

"This is a civilization from the farthest reaches? That's impossible."

High-ranking government officials gathered in the castle's conference room, perplexed as they read through documents.

These documents were a report submitted by an envoy dispatched to Japan.

Normally, there would be no need for such a gathering or a report presentation in one place. However, this time, it concerned the nation of Japan, which had defeated the powerful Parpaldia Empire and ascended as a new power in the Third Civilization Area. Considering the significant impact Japan would likely have on the world, it was deemed necessary to swiftly reach a consensus on how the nation should respond as a whole, thus various individuals from different positions had assembled.

"As stated in the report, Japan surpasses our country as a superpower. Dealing with this requires careful attention, but they advocate a policy of harmony, and it's expected they will contribute greatly even in the forthcoming battle against the Sorcerous Empire."

Fearm, who served as the envoy's representative, advised.

"Hold on a moment. Certainly, there's no doubt that Japan possesses the strength to claim the title of the strongest in the Third Civilization Area, given its achievements in defeating Parpaldia. However, it's too much to ask us to believe something this absurd," the Secretary of Defense, Agra, remarked.

As it was confirmed that Japan possessed the power to overthrow great powers, he participated in this meeting to assess the level of threat.

"It was reported that the flying machine accompanying the Guernica, which you were aboard, lacked propellers and had swept wings, correct? It's inconceivable that a country from outside the civilization areas has put to practical use something even our nation has only in theoretical stages."

Not just aircraft, but the report detailed various Japanese technologies. High-performance automobiles, surpassing Mirishial's magic-powered cars, were widely prevalent on the streets. Railways capable of speeds of 300 km/h were in place. Although in experimental stages, railways capable of speeds surpassing the combat version of the floating ship of the heavens were being developed. They had put to widespread use computational devices with performance tens of thousands of times greater than existing magical computation machines.

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