Part 2

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If you haven't read Chapter 1, I highly recommend going back and reading
it first as Chapter 2 might not make sense if you choose not to. For all
those who read and commented on Chapter 1 I want to express my sincere
thanks for taking the time to leave feedback, I truly appreciate and
take all feedback to heart!

Erica and her mom walked thru the Master bedroom into the Master bath.

Mom instructed, "Sweetheart regardless of how much you I enjoy wearing
makeup, Lord knows these days I would never leave the house without at
least some lipstick and mascara, it is important for you to remove it
every night to maintain a healthy complexation. Of course, moisturizing
with a good facial and eye cream is important as well."

Mom demonstrated how she removed her makeup and Erica followed her lead.

Once their makeup was removed Mom said, "Now I'm going to introduce you
to one of my guilty pleasures."

She started to run water into the tub, while sprinkling in liberal
amounts of bath salts and a small amounts of bubble bath.

Mom added, "I just love relaxing in a warm tub at the end of the day and
the bath salts feel luxurious and leaves my skin feeling soft, which
Dave really appreciates! The bubbles don't do much but it's fun and

Erica disrobes and slips into the tub with a sigh.

Mom asks, "How does that feel honey?"

Erica just sighs again. "Heavenly."

While Erica enjoys her soak, her mom asks, "So sweetheart what do you
think of your first day?"

Erica thoughtfully responds, "Oh mom where do I start, after you helped
me get dressed, I felt beautiful, the smell of the makeup and perfume
were intoxicating. The feeling of the clothes against my hairless body
especially the lingerie felt nothing like my boy clothes. But it was the
emotional side I enjoyed the most, I felt free to express things I would
never do as Eric. I think we bonded as mother and daughter in a way we
never could as father and son. I know what makes you tick as a woman and
wife. Also, as Eric I would never admit to a failed relationship with a
girl due to my small penis size or my potential attraction to a boy in
my class. Lastly, having Dave treat me as a if I had been your daughter
all my life melted my heart. Both of you made me feel comfortable in my
role as your daughter."

Mom smiling, "Sweetheart, I told you earlier I will always love you
regardless of if you decide to live as Eric or Erica and sleep with boys
or girls, and I know Dave feels the same way."

Mom went on, "Honey, I want to apologize again for the way you found out
about my life with Dave, I had decided to tell you over your Spring
Break because my transition was becoming too hard to hide and I felt you
were old and mature enough to know the truth. Obviously my planned
failed miserably."

Mom continued, "Now that you know everything, from this point forward I
plan to be Jill full time, tonight after my bath I plan to box up what
little is left of my male wardrobe and drop it off tomorrow at the
nearest charity drop box."

Erica replied, "Mom I'm so happy for you!"

Mom replied, "I also haven't had a haircut in quite a while and I have
been consulting a hairdresser about a female hairstyle using extensions
so that I can stop wearing wigs, they get so hot in the summer. I had
originally planned to have my extensions put in after you returned to
school but maybe that could be one of our Girly Girl adventures."

Erica replied, "Mom I've never been in a salon before, I think that
would be a good experience for me if I continue to live as Erica."

Erica added, "My bath water is getting a little cool can you bring me a

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