Part 7

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Beth continues, "I know both of you will love these hairstyles, but you
are nervous about being able style and maintain your new longer hair
style. Right?"

Jill and Erica both answer, "Yes"

Beth, "Are you both free tomorrow night?

Again, Jill and Erica both answer, "Yes"

Beth, "How about this, you buy the pizza and sparkling water, and I
will come to your house with all my tools, and we will have Haircare

Jill, "Beth we couldn't impose on your like that."

Beth, "Nonsense, let me tell you something I've never told any of my
other client. My baby sister Michelle was born my baby brother Michael.
She is the sweetest sister any girl could want; Erica reminds me a lot
of Michelle. Anyway, I did the same thing for my Michelle when she
transitioned, and I have been blessed many times over. You two are one
of the cutest mother daughter clients I have. Please let me do this for

Jill, "Beth we would be honored to accept your generous offer, what do
you like on your pizza?"

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Beth smiling, "Yea! I'm a spicy carnivore kind of girl Peperoni, Bacon
and Jalapenos. I'm so excited we are going to have so much fun today!
This will take several hours but I promise, you are going to love your
new longer hairdos. Erica I'm going to hand you off to Lori, she is my
best stylist, and that girl can weave extensions faster than anyone
I've seen, and she is one of the top colorists in the city to boot!
Girl wait to you see how your highlights reflect light out in the sun.
Jill you are stuck with me."

Jill, "Beth we are excited as well, just one question it's 10:20 right
now and we have a 4:00 at Nordstroms today, you said several hours,
something tells me we need to reschedule."

Beth, "Owww, I'm afraid so honey, we have to weave your extensions,
then color, wash, condition, cut and blow dry, it will be 6:00 at the
earliest before we can get you girls out of here!"

Jill, "Beth I fully understand it's my mistake for overbooking, I've
waited too long to get extensions, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the
experience. Give me 5 minutes to call Donna to reschedule and I'll be

Beth, "No rush honey, it's going to take me at least 15 minutes to
brief Lori and get your hair extensions ready to start weaving."

Jill calls Donna and apologizes, telling her that they will be at the
Salon until at least 6:00 and asks if they could possibly wait till
Tuesday for their first appointment. Donna tells her no problem that
she understands how important getting hair extensions is to Jill as
they had talked about it on several occasions. Jill tells Donna that
she had Erica wear skinny jeans and a peasant top today and Erica
absolutely loved them. To help make up for the lost day, she could add
some skinny jeans, a peasant top and 3-4 nightgowns for their Tuesday
appointment in addition to what they had already pulled for Monday.
Donna agreed that would be a great idea.

Beth introduced Lori to Erica and the two instantly liked each other.
As Lori started to work on Erica's extensions, their conversation
flowed, and the two girls seemed to find endless things to talk about.
When Beth started on Jill's hair it was much the same, both were
married to professional husbands, Beth's husband was a Senior
Engineering manager in the Oil Industry, she and her husband Mike had 2
daughter's her oldest a freshman cheerleader at OU and her youngest a
junior volleyball player in Highschool. Jill enjoyed talking with Beth
as she felt they related well to each other.

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