Part 5

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Sunday morning Jill woke up in bed alone, this was unusual because she
was usually the first to wake on Sunday mornings. She would normally
wake Dave with a nice slow blow job that would lead to passionate love
makings. Jill was disappointed to see Dave's side of the bed empty. As
she looked over to Dave's side of the bed, she saw that Dave had left a
note on his pillow it read.

My Love with all of last night's drama I forgot to tell you I was
meeting George at Memorial Park for an early morning run.



Jill was relieved that she knew why Dave was missing from her bed. Jill
reluctantly got out of bed and walked into the on suite to sit and
tinkle. She then checked herself in the vanity, smiling as she saw her
breast pushing out from her nightgown, her pussy tingled as she thought
of her husband and skilled lover sucking and fondling her breast.

Jill walked to the kitchen and was surprised to see Erica already seated
with her legs crossed enjoying a cup of coffee.

Erica, "Morning mom."

Mom, "Morning Baby Doll. You're up early."

Erica, "Yea, I couldn't sleep and was hoping that you and I could have a
heart-to-heart talk."

Hearing those words Jill had a sense of concern.

Mom, "OK honey let me get a cup of coffee and we can talk."

Jill fixes her coffee and sits down with a concerned look on her face.

Mom, "Sweetie what's on your mind, that you couldn't sleep."

Erica, "Is Daddy still asleep?"

Mom, "No honey he left early to meet a friend for a morning run at
Memorial Park, they like to have coffee and breakfast at Whole Foods
after their run. I don't expect him home for a couple of hours."

Erica, "Mom last night you said, 'Erica Antoinette I don't want to hear
another word, unless it is yes ma'am or mom, I want to end Operation
Girly Girl and go back to being Eric."

Jill hearing these word has a sinking feeling that Erica wants to end
Operation Girly Girl early and go back to being Eric. While she loved
Eric more than anything in the world, she had enjoyed bonding with Erica
as mother and daughter and would be crushed if she didn't get to spend
the remainder of Spring Break with her daughter.

Mom emotionally, "Yes baby I remember."

Erica choking to get her words out, "I..I..."

Jill's world starts to come crashing down, with fear of what was about
to come out of Erica/Eric's mouth, tears start to form in her eyes.

Mom choking the words out, "T..T..Tell mama honey."

Erica tearing up as well, "I've decided..."

Jill braces herself for the bad news she now fears most.

Erica continues, "I've decided I don't ever want Operation Girly Girl to
end. I..I want to be your daughter. I want to be E.. Erica Antoinette

Jill breaks down hearing the news and starts to sob.

Erica, "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I..I..I can be

Jill hugs her daughter tightly and never wanting to let go!

Mom sniffling, "Shush, Shush, Baby Girl, Mama is not upset, these are
happy tears."

Erica, "Mom, I was really scared to tell you, then I thought I upset

Mom smiling thru her tears, "Sweetheart, I thought you were going to
tell me you wanted to go back to being Eric before the end of Spring
Break. I've been enjoying our mother daughter time and wanted to at
least have Spring Break with you. Now I have forever!"

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