Part 6

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Jill and Erica walk into Vincent's about 6:45, Mario the maître de
greets them.

Mario, "Good evening Mrs. Lombardo your table is almost ready, Mr.
Lombardo is in the bar if you would like to join him."

Erica follows her mother to the bar. They spotted Dave sitting at the
bar enjoying a house Chianti. Dave was wearing, his wrangler jeans,
boots and a nice Brooks Brother's button-down shirt. Jill looks at how
Dave's ass looks in those tight jeans and feels her panties start to get
damp. As they walk up, Dave spots his girls and stands up to greet them.
Erica wraps her arms around his neck, gets up on her tip toes and gives
him a kiss.

Jill, "Hi handsome, wanna buy a couple of thirsty girls a drink?"

Erica takes note of how even after being together for 15 years her
mother still flirts with her husband.

Dave, "Hi girls don't y'all look pretty. What would you like to drink?"

Jill, "What you're drinking looks yummy! I'll have the same."

Dave to Erica, "Baby Girl what would you like?"

Erica breaks into a smile from Dave calling her Baby Girl.

Erica, "Hi Daddy. I'll have what you are drinking too."

Dave, "Why don't we go sit at that table over there and I'll have Gina
bring your wine over."

Dave orders the girl's wine and joins them at the table.

Dave, "So girls tell me about your day."

Dave sits back and smiles as his wife and daughter excitedly tell him
all about their day, Lunch, Erica's makeover, their visit with Donna and
their trip to Louis Vuitton. Dave smiles as his wife and daughter regale
him with their day, from the smile on Jill's face he sees how much his
wife is enjoying her mother daughter time with Erica. As for Erica, she
has gone from a quiet shy boy to a vivacious young lady. Yes, these two
were meant to be mother and daughter, he just hopes Jill will not be too
devastated when Eric returns to school, but that is a worry for another
day. Tonight, he is enjoying dinner with his lovely wife and their
college coed daughter.

Mario, "Excuse me Mr. Lombardo but your table is ready."

Dave, "Thank you Mario."

Mario leads the trio to their table. Mario holds Erica's chair as she
smooths her dress under her as she sits, and Dave does the same for
Jill. Soon their waiter comes over and tells them about tonight's
specials. The first is Osso Buco serve with Garlic mashed potatoes, the
second is a wood grilled red snapper served with Tuscan style
vegetables. Everyone orders another glass of wine and looks at the menu.
When the waiter returns everyone is ready to order, Jill, Erica and Dave
opt for an Italian Salad for their appetizer, Jill orders the Red
Snapper Special, Erica opts for the Chicken Marsala and Dave can't
resist the Osso Buco. Conversation continues as they enjoy their salad,
after their salad plates are cleared Dave spots Judge Thompson entering
the bar.

Dave, "Excuse me girls, let me just go shake the Judges hand, I promise
I'll be right back."

Jill to Dave, "Ok baby but don't take too long, you know how long winded
the Judge can be."

Dave kisses his wife and walks to greet the judge. Jill picks up her
wine glass as she watches her husband walks toward the bar.

Mom sighs, "Baby I don't know if that man looks better coming or going."

Erica, "Mom you sound like a horny teenager."

Mom, "Honey tonight I feel like a horny teenager!"

Erica giggling, "It's ok mom, I'm kind of horny too."

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