Chapter 3

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It was yet another day, shrouded in the cloak of uncertainty. Outside, the sky stretched wide and clear, the sun casting its golden rays through the billowing curtains of the queen's chamber. Yet within, the queen lay ensconced in the embrace of sleep, her slumber uninterrupted by the cares of the world.

For Queen Ivana, sleep was a sanctuary, a refuge from the tumultuous demands of ruling her kingdom. Some might question how she could govern effectively when she cherished her rest above all else. But to Ivana, sleep was not a weakness, but rather a source of strength.

As the sunlight danced upon her peaceful form, one could almost envy the serenity that enveloped her. How could one so deeply immersed in the realm of dreams wield the scepter of power? Yet those who knew her understood that behind closed eyes lay a mind sharp and astute, capable of navigating the most treacherous of political waters.

In the quiet tranquility of her chamber, Queen Ivana reigned supreme, her kingdom bending to her will even in the depths of her slumber. For it was in the realm of dreams that her true power lay, a testament to the enigmatic nature of her rule.

"Your Majesty! Wake up!" A voice called out, but there was no response. "For God's sake, why do you love sleep?" Sera added with a hint of frustration. A low groan escaped the queen as she shifted away from Sera's voice. "Please, come back in the next hour."

"Your Majesty, you have to visit the King of the East today—remember!" Sera urged, emphasizing the importance of the queen's impending task.

"I've changed my mind; we'll go next week," the queen replied, her voice muffled by the plushness of her bedding. She seemed to sink even deeper into the comfort of her bed, showing no sign of urgency.

"Look, you're the queen—many look up to you. Isn't it a pity that you can't even try to be punctual?" Sera declared, her frustration evident in her tone. But the queen only groaned in response, determined to continue her slumber.

Sera glanced at her mistress, pondering once again the nature of Queen Ivana's love for sleep. Beyond her formidable abilities, this penchant for rest seemed almost like a sickness—an anomaly in the realm of royalty. But who could unravel the mysteries of a queen's heart?.

"I will get the water again," Sera threatened, her tone firm.

"Sera, we may be friends, but if you dare sprinkle water on me, I will burn your intestines and blood will flow through your eyes—literally," the queen replied, her threat delivered with a casual nonchalance. Yet, to Sera, it held a weight of danger. For although the queen could be amiable to all, crossing her could unleash a wrath as fierce as the fires of hell. Her threats, even the casual ones, were not to be taken lightly.

Sera stood still, watching her beloved queen choose sleep over her duties once again, knowing that to challenge her further would be to invite consequences she dared not face.

Sera continued to contemplate, her mind racing with ideas on how to rouse the queen from her slumber. "Hmm," she murmured to herself, lost in thought.

"What?" The queen's curiosity was piqued by Sera's contemplative tone.

"Ah, nothing," Sera replied hastily, realizing she had been caught in her reverie.

The queen turned and opened one eye, fixing Sera with a curious gaze. "Seriously, if you don't have anything important, please go," she urged, her patience wearing thin.

"Well..." Sera began slowly, hoping to capture the attention of the sleepy queen, "my spy has returned, and he's brought some news."

The queen merely hissed in response, seemingly intent on returning to her slumber. Undeterred, Sera pressed on. "According to him, they've found an expert who may be able to help our economy. He's said to be the best in his country."

These words stirred the queen from her drowsiness, prompting her to spring out of bed and move to the window. As she gazed out at the colorful garden below, a hint of irritation crossed her features. "Sera, you've disturbed me enough. I can't sleep anymore. You've won, be happy," she grumbled.

A smile tugged at Sera's lips at the queen's begrudging acceptance of defeat. "Well, actually, it's my job to disturb you, remember? But in all seriousness, we have found an expert.”

"Then why are you disturbing me? If you think he or she is great, then hire them," the queen entreated, making her way back to her bed and slowly crawling back into it.

Sera cleared her throat to regain the queen's attention. "But the problem is that he rejects offers from anybody of nobility, irrespective of the amount of money," she explained.

The queen furrowed her brow in thought. "So how is that a problem?" she inquired, puzzled by Sera's concern.

"Well, he's more likely to reject the offer to come here to work for us, especially considering how nobody trusts the Demon Clan," Sera added, her voice tinged with concern.

The queen pondered Sera's words, recognizing the wisdom in her concern. Indeed, the mere mention of the Demon Clan often raised red flags and evoked distrust among outsiders. Their reputation preceded them, making it challenging to gain the trust and cooperation of others.

The queen sighed, acknowledging the validity of Sera's point. The stigma surrounding the Demon Clan was a constant obstacle in their efforts to forge alliances and garner support for their kingdom. It was a burden she bore heavily, knowing that their reputation often overshadowed their true intentions.

"True," the queen conceded, her expression reflecting the weight of their predicament. "But perhaps this is an opportunity to change perceptions. If we can convince this expert to work with us, it could demonstrate to others that the Demon Clan is capable of positive change."

Sera nodded in agreement, encouraged by the queen's optimism. "Yes, you're right, Your Majesty. This could be a chance to show the world that we're not defined by our past, but by our actions in the present."

With renewed determination, the queen resolved to pursue this opportunity, determined to prove that the Demon Clan was deserving of trust and respect. It would be a challenging endeavor, but one she was willing to undertake for the betterment of her kingdom.

"Alright, let me just sleep a little bit," the queen murmured, slowly pulling her beddings around her, since Sera had taken her blanket.

"Your Majesty! There is no time, stop this," Sera exclaimed, her voice filled with concern. The urgency of their situation weighed heavily on her, and she knew they couldn't afford to waste any more time.

The queen paused, her eyes meeting Sera's with a mixture of irritation and exhaustion. Yet, beneath the weariness, a spark of determination flickered. She knew Sera was right—they couldn't afford to delay any longer.

With a resigned sigh, the queen pushed herself up from the bed, casting one last longing glance at the warmth of her covers. "Fine," she relented, her voice tinged with reluctance. "Let's go."

Sera nodded in approval, relieved that her words had finally broken through the queen's stubbornness. Together, they left the comfort of the chamber, stepping out into the uncertain world beyond, where challenges awaited and alliances needed to be forged.

End of Chapter

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