Chapter 5

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The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as the renowned queen of the demon clan, Queen Ivana, made her grand entrance, fashionably late as usual. Her elegant stride commanded attention as she gracefully took her seat, trailed by a servant.

As the members gathered, the King of the East rose to address the assembly, offering a surprising gesture of gratitude to Queen Ivana. His unexpected bow stirred murmurs among the courtiers, prompting the king to justify his actions by acknowledging Queen Ivana's crucial assistance during difficult times.

Acknowledging the tension in the room, he emphasized the significance of the demon clan's alliance, regardless of its size. With the looming threat of inflation and frequent attacks, the kingdom faced dire economic challenges, underscoring the importance of unity and cooperation among the kingdoms.

"I summon Kyson, our esteemed royal economic expert," the king declared.

Promptly, a distinguished man emerged, striding confidently across the courtroom with a regal air. Beside him, a young assistant trailed with a large rolled-up parchment—likely his aide.

"Kyson, what is the state of our economy?" the king inquired.

"Your Highness," Kyson bowed respectfully, "the economy teeters on the edge of uncertainty. However, before I proceed, I must express gratitude to her Majesty, the Queen of the mysterious demon clan, for her invaluable assistance despite the pressures she faces.”

Instantly, a twinge pricked her mind, a sensation that often alarms impending trouble.

Kyson pressed on, "Unfortunately, the aftermath of the wars has only compounded our challenges. The latest report indicates that our alliance with the demon clan benefits only the smaller factions. Our key trading partners are apprehensive about dealing with us due to their fear of the demon clan."

Sera, who observed the proceedings, sensed that the queen might soon lose her temper if things continued in this manner.

"What exactly are you suggesting?" Sera interjected, unable to contain herself. Kyson, visibly irritated by Sera's audacity, glanced down at her with disdain.

"And who granted you the authority to address me?" he retorted.

"It was a straightforward question. I believe we need clarification on your explanation," Sera replied confidently.

Kyson huffed in annoyance. "Allow me to simplify it for you. Our kingdom's reputation has suffered due to our association with the demon clan.”

The courtroom buzzed with disbelief as Kyson's words hung in the air, directed straight at the demon queen. Sera, now on the offensive, voiced what everyone was thinking.

"So, you're blaming us for the decline of your economy, is that it?" Sera's tone was sharp, her eyes flashing with defiance.

Kyson paused, considering his next words carefully. "Indeed, but there is a solution that could benefit us all," he finally offered, drawing the attention of the entire court.

"As you are aware, alliances by contract are fragile and can be terminated at any moment. However, alliances by marriage offer a more enduring solution," Kyson revealed, his voice filled with conviction.

Sera's heart raced as she turned to her mistress, who remained composed, seemingly unfazed by Kyson's proposal. "Married?" Sera's voice wavered with disbelief.

The courtroom fell silent, awaiting the queen's response. After a moment, Kyson continued, his voice steady and measured. "Indeed, a marriage has the potential to unite not just individuals, but entire nations and worlds. However..." His words trailed off as Sera cut in, her frustration palpable. "There it is!”

Kyson raised an eyebrow, surprised by Sera's interruption. "Yes, however..." he continued, "such a union must be carefully considered and approached with caution. It requires the agreement and commitment of both parties involved."

The tension in the room thickened as Kyson's words hung in the air. Sera glanced at her queen, who remained deep in thought, her expression unreadable.

Finally, after a moment of silence, the queen spoke, her voice commanding yet tinged with uncertainty. "Continue," she instructed Kyson, her gaze fixed on him with an intensity that made even him falter for a moment.

Kyson cleared his throat and proceeded to outline the details of his proposal, but Sera couldn't shake the feeling of unease settling in the pit of her stomach.

"But... the demon clan joining the East Kingdom as one?" Every member of the demon clan present was enraged by this proposal, and the courtroom erupted into noise. Sera watched the queen, who seemed unfazed; instead, she was focused on the young man standing close to Kyson.

"That will be all, Kyson," the king interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Your Majesty, there's no need to rush into this matter. Take your time."

Ivana chuckled softly. "Let me get this straight. If I marry you, the alliance remains, but my kingdom is lost. But if I don't..."

"Then you'll be considered an enemy. This is a new era; there's no room for indecision," Kyson calmly added. From that moment on, the queen lost interest in the discussion. "Alright, I guess I should be leaving."

With a calm demeanor, Ivana rose from her seat, followed by her entourage. Kyson was taken aback by the queen's audacity to reject the King of the East. After all, her kingdom was just a small clan in the far south. She left the courtroom without looking back, her defiance leaving an impression. As for the king, he couldn't help but admire the queen's strength — a woman with true power indeed.!

Later on, as the queen drifted into a restless slumber, Sera couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling in her gut. She knew there was more to the king's proposal than met the eye, and the consequences of rejecting it could be dire.

End of chapter

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